
They found my canopy! :)

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I heard there were black widows crawling all over you and the tree too! You're brave!!

Remember, I was a trained killer for the goverment.;)
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I heard there were black widows crawling all over you and the tree too! You're brave!!

Remember, I was a trained killer for the goverment.;)

You killed spiders for the government? Why don't they use the Orkin man?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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The other 3 times I've chopped it,

other 3 times? I'm looking for a lotus 170 as my first main, (anyone know someone selling one?) and I'm curious 3 cutaways, in how many jumps? packing issues? cuz I'm new at packing too and any tips/warnings about packing in general, the Lotus in specific would be well received, (I'd much rather learn from someone else's packing mistake that leads to a Mal, then practice landing my reserve when I make the mistake myself) .. not that it had to be a packing error, I'm looking for anything I can learn about the Lotus /mals and cutaways on an airlocked main.

Good Judgment comes from experience...a lot of experience comes from bad

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...I think they said they were about a 1/2 mile past the lake...not sure how far the lake is from the DZ...

We should ask Michelle, I seem to recall her landing out near those woods:o:D:P! Seriously, the lake is about 3 miles (checked on a map) - I think your canopy has more "solo" time than Oren's now:D!
Z-Flock 8
Discotec Rodriguez

Too bad weapons grade stupidity doesn't lead to sterility.

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Wouldn't it just be easier to teach Heather how to pack?

Uh no. In fact my Ex wife didn't know how to pack and I tried to teach her. Annie didn't know how to pack, and I tried to teach her...Heather can learn on her own...I have not had much luck teaching women how to pack....I have had fun trying to teach them, but not much luck;)
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Seriously, the lake is about 3 miles (checked on a map) -

not sure what map or lake you're looking at, but the lake in question (water-filled quarry, actually) is just under a mile from the DZ (dependin which parts you're measuring from).

For anyone interested, check the attached picture (or click HERE for a better version). The red circle is the approx chop area, the purple is the approx recovery area, and the line between is the approx flight path( about 0.75 mi)... note it goes over a corner of the lake in between..... we believe the freebag to be in there.... it's about 65ft deep and fairly murky [:/]

Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

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I think your canopy has more "solo" time than Oren's now:D!

Hey...hey...now. Here I am minding my own business and you just had to bring me into this. I see how you are!
Time flies like an arrow....fruit flies like a banana

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The other 3 times I've chopped it,
other 3 times? I'm looking for a lotus 170 as my first main, (anyone know someone selling one?) and I'm curious 3 cutaways, in how many jumps? packing issues? cuz I'm new at packing too and any tips/warnings about packing in general, the Lotus in specific would be well received

Guess I should have said "the three times I've chopped it" - the 4th time was Heidi, not me. (whoohoo, I have company!) ;)

1st chop: paid pack job - I opened, looked up to find line twists from the risers all the way up - slider stuck at top, end cell closure, etc. I had pulled a little above 2.5 and it was looking really ugly, so I chopped it. I don't remember how much it was turning or spinning.

Probable cause: Not sure, since I didn't pack it, but the bag must have been spinning off my back - either not enough unstowed lines , or maybe it was packed unevenly.

2nd chop: I packed it. (I was on one of several "I should pack for myself" kicks). Same kind of mal as the first, except this time the risers pinned my head to my chest, even more fun! Kicking wasn't working and I had pulled a 2.5 (maybe closer to 2 - I was stupid and I still am sometimes) and it sucks when you can't even look up at the darn thing and it's turning on ya, so I chopped.

Probable Cause: Not leaving enough unstowed line, so the bag spun off my back.

3rd chop: I packed it. Line twists, right out of the bag again. This time, not as many, but there was a lot more end cell closure on one side than the other and it started into a nice turn that was picking up speed and I got kinda disoriented and so I chopped. (jokingly thought as I was reaching for the cutaway "I'm gonna get shit for this" but chopped anyhow of course).

Probable Cause: Canopy packed unevenly into bag, so bag was uneven in tray...spinny spinny bag out of container = line twists. (I had actually asked someone "is this okay?" and he banged at it a bit to even it out, and we decided I'd be fine. Oops)

Or, the other probable cause for all of this?? I like digging a new for a 540 as I deploy.


Those packing errors would be a problem on most canopies. If you chop higher than 2.5 or 3, you might have enough time to get out of completely twisted lines, but you also don't want to find yourself kicking like mad at 500 feet, screaming "Just these last few!" Or worse.

We decided Heidi's opening issue was mostly due to her rolling the nose.

Don't roll the nose. (Brian Germain confirmed you shouldn't be rolling the nose on the Lotus. Since he designed the canopy, he probably knows what's best)

Anyhow. I still love the canopy, never had complaints about the openings (I maybe had ONE line twisty opening besides those 3). Opens slow, flies nice. I have end cell closure to some degree, on every jump. (loading just barely over 1:1)

Try the Sabre2 out just for the hell of it though. I was not super-impressed with the one I jumped, but you might like it.

I found my old logbook - I have almost exactly 300 jumps on that canopy.

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...I had to climb 200 feet up a tree...Learning to pack is a m...

Wouldn't it just be easier to teach Heather how to pack;)? :D:):$

I spent a good portion of my trip to see Heather over the Holidays teaching her how to pack. She was doing great, and was a good student. When I was down there she had no trouble with her pack jobs - and I wasn't surpervising her packs the last couple of days.

I've had worse pack jobs on my Spinletto loaded at 1.4-1.6 and they opened fine. Yea, I did finally have to chop it - but it turns out that may have been caused by broken lines.

Oh, and don't listen to her - she is at 1.08:1 WL.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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