
Two parts Eloy + One part Porno Pixie + 7 parts skydiving + One part DC-3 = FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!

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What can I say, I just jetted out to Eloy for a few days and man did I have fun.

"I have been to the promised land and I am here to say that it is gooooooooooood" ;)

Thanks to Bets for giving me a place to stay and having a wonderful time all around. You rock.

Thanks to Eloy for being a great place with something for everyone. Thanks to manifest who kept trying to get me on RW loads even though many were just freeflying. Made 7 great jumps in 2 days.

Thanks to Marc Antony (sp?) from France for letting me jump with him. Was a pleasure.

Thanks to "Fogy" from Ohio for finding us and gettin on loads.

Thanks to LO Phil for the jumps on Wed and the "introduction". ;)

I feel rejuevenated. More than just "aired out". I really needed this. That DC-3 load...was humming the "Freak Brother" song all the way up. Love that prop blast. We even coached Marc Antony well. His white jumpsuit has been Christened on the front. Sign of a good exit.
Chris Schindler
FB #4125

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Thanks to Bets for giving me a place to stay and having a wonderful time all around. You rock.

You are most welcome! Glad that you could come out:)

i agree, Eloy is a Great place...i must amke more trips out there

Yes you must! Door is always open...except on take off;)
Cheers all!

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hides under canopy

Oh Zen I have a beautiful brand spankin' new Katana that we can play under....LOL

oooooh havent even seen one yet in the really real world...

i do have a lovely black and red stiletto i fall in love with everytime she opens...
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Bwahhhhhh but SunnyOne...you said you wanted there to be NO escape! LOL;) :)

Yah, that was so she didn't get distracted by shiney things and go drifting off.

Oh and welcome back to reality! It's friggen freezing in here Mr. Bigglesworth! [/Dr. Evil] It's 11 degrees here now. Betsy! I need some heat!

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Yah, that was so she didn't get distracted by shiney things and go drifting off.

LOL ...thats entirely my fault...I threw quarters all around her trailer! LOL


It's 11 degrees here now. Betsy! I need some heat!

hehe! Poor thing! Iffin' ya didn't live so far I would offer up one of my heaters:P
As for me..I have received mysterio gear to put under my skydiddlydiving suit. Yup Valentines day came early:)

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Were you on the DC-3 load at end-of-day Tuesday at Eloy? I was on that load as well -

Been in Eloy since last Wednesday = today last day of jumping as am flying home tomorrow -

Eloy just rocks -

"The helicopter approaches closer than any other to fulfillment
of mankind's ancient dreams of a magic carpet" - Igor Sikorsky

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