
Kerry Implodes ????

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you like know what I like

I know you are so incredibly biased that all your posts related to politics are becoming very predictable.

Well, like you know DUDE, you like need to like stop trolling the like website and like I like really don't care for your like personal attack, DUDE, because like it will like get you banned DUDE. Like you know what I mean DUDE. And like dude, I like never pretended to be like unbiased. And unlike you dude, I like admit I'm biased you like get my drift DUDE?

Well said. :D:D:D:D

never pull low......unless you are

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Well, like you know DUDE, you like need to like stop trolling the like website and like I like really don't care for your like personal attack, DUDE, because like it will like get you banned DUDE. Like you know what I mean DUDE. And like dude, I like never pretended to be like unbiased. And unlike you dude, I like admit I'm biased you like get my drift DUDE?

You sound just like Bush in his interview on Sunday. :)

Well, like you know DUDE your little emoticon doesn't like make your like Personal Attack like any more like acceptable. Get it Dude?

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It's exactly that, Bush performed better, better than expected anyway, and Gore didn't do as well as expected. Edwards happens to be a much better and polished speaker, off the cuff or otherwise than either of them. He'll do what Gore couldn't, and he'll do it without looking arrogant. And people will realize that Bush leading this country is like hopping in the car with a blind man behind the wheel.

Benny :)
In the debates, it did seem like Edwards wanted to talk more about what he'd do rather than spend time slamming the president (relative to the other candidates). If he's for real, at least we can discuss real issues rather than just spin. I'm certain the president would do that also if the opponent would as that seems to be his real style.

That would nice, then we can see what each has planned and make a real decision based on who matches our personal beliefs. But:

Do you think either political machine will allow the candidates to be that way?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Well, like you know DUDE your little emoticon doesn't like make your like Personal Attack like any more like acceptable. Get it Dude?

Comparing you to Bush is a personal attack? In your posts regarding him you almost show an adoration for the man. I would think a comparison to him would be a compliment for you.

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Yeah, Kerry is a real jerkoff... I mean shit, a guy who was a SEAL in VietNam and has first hand experience in un-conventional warfare, EXACTLY the type of war we are fighting in Iraq and Afghan. right now... Who needs THAT?

I mean, a guy who could not even finish out an ANG commitment and has surrounded himself with idiots is MUCH better for us right now. Hell yeah.

What would Vic Mackey do?

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Yeah, Kerry is a real jerkoff... I mean shit, a guy who was a SEAL in VietNam and has first hand experience in un-conventional warfare, EXACTLY the type of war we are fighting in Iraq and Afghan. right now... Who needs THAT?

Bush doesn't do the war planning. He used a brilliant man named Tommy Franks to do that. I don't want the polititions fighting anymore wars. Leave that to the Generals

never pull low......unless you are

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Well, like you know DUDE your little emoticon doesn't like make your like Personal Attack like any more like acceptable. Get it Dude?

Comparing you to Bush is a personal attack? In your posts regarding him you almost show an adoration for the man. I would think a comparison to him would be a compliment for you.

For someone who is quick to criticize, you seem to have a problem comprehending the written word. I have stated many times that I am unhappy with many thing GWB has done including how he's handling the economy by applying Liberal Economis, how he's handling the war and many of his social policies including immigration. I have also said I wished I had another Republican alternative. Most on here know that except apparently you. So my advice is you take your own advice.

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I wonder who will run in 2008?

Jeb Bush. The next President. B|

I thought one of the reasons we got rid of the Brits was so we didn't have to "keep it in the family"

You wouldn't be complaining if the family name was Kennedy.

Yeah, yeah I would, there's no reason whatsoever in the modern era that power should follow a family lineage. Honestly, Jeb might have been a better pres than Bush, but I guess the eldest gets the first shot, just like a monarchy.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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For someone who is quick to criticize, you seem to have a problem comprehending the written word. I have stated many times that I am unhappy with many thing GWB has done including how he's handling the economy by applying Liberal Economis, how he's handling the war and many of his social policies including immigration. I have also said I wished I had another Republican alternative. Most on here know that except apparently you. So my advice is you take your own advice.

Just so I completely understand this; You dislike Bush so much, that you think that being compared to him is a personal attack?

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>Snorting coke is worse than killing babies?

Both pale in comparison to getting a blow job, if the conservatives posting here are any indication.

I think it's jealously because prudish neo-con wives just don't like sucking on dong.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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For someone who is quick to criticize, you seem to have a problem comprehending the written word. I have stated many times that I am unhappy with many thing GWB has done including how he's handling the economy by applying Liberal Economis, how he's handling the war and many of his social policies including immigration. I have also said I wished I had another Republican alternative. Most on here know that except apparently you. So my advice is you take your own advice.

Just so I completely understand this; You dislike Bush so much, that you think that being compared to him is a personal attack?

No, and apparently you never will understand, Troll.

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>Bush did NOT kill those babies and women and children,

Dec 2003:

Six children die in US bombing raid

Six children have been killed during an assault by US forces on a compound in eastern Afghanistan.

It is the second time in a week that civilians have died in US action against Taliban and al-Qaida suspects.

The children died during an attack on Friday against a complex near the eastern city of Gardez where a renegade Afghan commander, Mullah Jalani, was believed to have stocked weapons, said Lt Col Bryan Hilferty.


Children Killed By US Cluster Bombs
The Independent - UK

At least 11 civilians, nine of them children, were killed in Hilla in central Iraq yesterday, according to reporters in the town who said they appeared to be the victims of bombing.

Reporters from the Reuters news agency said they counted the bodies of 11 civilians and two Iraqi fighters in the Babylon suburb, 50 miles south of Baghdad. Nine of the dead were children, one a baby. Hospital workers said as many as 33 civilians were killed.

Terrifying film of women and children later emerged after Reuters and the Associated Press were permitted by the Iraqi authorities to take their cameras into the town. Their pictures - the first by Western news agencies from the Iraqi side of the battlefront - showed babies cut in half and children with amputation wounds, apparently caused by American shellfire and cluster bombs.

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"Stolen Valor is worth its price if only for its chapter exposing the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) the left-wing group that purports to represent the men and women who served in Vietnam. The VVA’s roots trace back to the radical Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW), which reliably retailed the Marxist line on most issues and railed against U.S. military and foreign policies. Robert O. Muller, one of the top VVAW activists, later formed the VVA, and with the help of Senator John Kerry (one of his VVAW comrades) obtained a federal charter for his new group."

clicky link

People are forgetting that a lot of this is based upon the bogus "baby killer" testimony and other lies that Kerry and fellow travelers told about his fellow GIs.

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Yeah, Kerry is a real jerkoff... I mean shit, a guy who was a SEAL in VietNam and has first hand experience in un-conventional warfare, EXACTLY the type of war we are fighting in Iraq and Afghan. right now... Who needs THAT?

I mean, a guy who could not even finish out an ANG commitment and has surrounded himself with idiots is MUCH better for us right now. Hell yeah.

Kerry was a Riverine, not a SEAL. Very big difference.

Edit to add: You may be confusing the candidate with former Nebraska Sen Joseph "Bob" Kerrey, USN, who WAS a SEAL and is a living MoH recipient.

Read MoH citation here

As if all this wasn't confusing enough, Bob Kerrey also spoke at a recent John Kerry pep rally...:S

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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"Both pale in comparison to getting a blow job, if the conservatives posting here are any indication. "

The problem is not the blow job (although the most powerful man in the world putting himself in such a compromising position with someone he doesn't even know is not exactly what I'd call good decision making), the problem is that he lied about it under oath, thereby undermining the system he swore to uphold. Wagging his finger and lying to the whole country didn't help much either.

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> Republicans will probably hire an independent council to a taxpayer bill of millions of dollars and try to impeach him. Here we go again. <

only if he lies under oath
"From the mightiest pharaoh to the lowliest peasant,
who doesn't enjoy a good sit?" C. Montgomery Burns

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