
Where would you go on vacation

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Planning a big vacation for this May. The original trip was to go to Iceland, but plans are changing and these are the current options.

Where would you go and why?
Have you done these trips? If so, what were the positives and negatives of it.

Arianna Frances

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Won't vote because any trip is good.
I've been on 2 Caribbean cruises; one was on a Windjammer sailing ship during the total solar eclipse a few years ago. It was probably the best vacation of my life, and I include Eloy in 2002 in that estimation.

Another was a standard cruise to Cozumel and Honduras, and it was basically a bore.

The Windjammer ships go very slow, so they basically spend the night going from island to island, and then you get to spend the day on each little island (the big ships can't get to most of these) doing whatever they do on slow little islands. Sightseeing, sunbathing, swimming, snorkel, scuba, whatever.

Dress is very casual, and food is good, but nothing like the big cruise ships if you're interested in that.

Never been to Rome, but that would be awesome too. But I'd definitely recommend going on a cruise that emphasizes being in the Caribbean over a cruise that emphasizes being on a boat stuffing your face.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Alaska, but not on one of those huge cruisers. Something much smaller. The Inside Passage is really spectacular and May is a good time to go before the fleets arrive. Besides, it looks a lot like Iceland.B|
L.A.S.T. #24
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I've been on a Caribbean Cruise. I can say that it was unimaginably fun, and I would go on one again in a second. I wouldn't want to say that it's more fun than going to Italy, 'cause I've never been to Italy...but just know that if you choose the cruise, you're going to like it.


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hehe - your too funny!

trust me - getting away on vacation at all has been an incredible compromise.... LA had my pick... but since we're there @ xmas anyway we've decided on these two.

Don't worry, we'll see each other 'bout then

Arianna Frances

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7 days - 6 nights.

Thats pleny of time to see Rome if that is where you want to go. If you've never been to Europe, then thats my vote. The best food I have ever had was in Italy. I think that everyone should experience other cultures and get a feeling for the world...
Thats my 0.02...

I think when Jesus said "love your enemy" he probably meant don't kill them.

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Think you would enjoy Rome, I know it impressed me when I was there. Been to several of the islands, they were nice too. Basically a toss-up. Either would be fine, and/or fun.
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

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Italy, but don't limit yourself to Rome. I've never been there, but I've made a study of the country, and it looks like an amazing trip! Someday.

Cruises suck. Trapped on a boat with nothing to do but eat, gamble, or watch stupid shows, untill they bring you to the worst of the touristy spots, where they give you 12 hours of freedom, which is exactly enough time for you to go nowhere, but have the locals fleece your out of you dollars.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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