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Since you went there....

I just got back in the sky today, and hell it was still fabulous.

Lisa, can you tell me the difference between delta/tracking?

I did my first tracking dive at sundown today. It was way cool. I got out at 13.5 and did a 180 off of the flight line.

At that point, I flattened out, brought my hands back, not all the way to my waist, but say five o clock for my right and seven o clock for my left.

I flattened out and picked up speed.

I feel stupid for asking this. But, again, what is the diff between delta and track?

As Always Lisa, thanks for the help,

It's a gas, gas, gas...

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just got back in the sky today, and hell it was still fabulous.



Lisa, can you tell me the difference between delta/tracking?

A delta is a dive. Your head is lower than your feet, you're losing altitude quickly and your speed is increasing.

In comparison tracking is "flat". In a good track you will appear to gain altitude on those who are still in a formation. Your head will be about even with your feet, you won't be losing altitude and your descent speed will decrease.

Best way to find the body position is to start with a delta then play with your arms, legs, shoulders and the dearch until you feel it. Done correctly, tracking is a very physical thing; if your arms and legs aren't just a bit sore after a dive spent working on tracking you aren't working it quite hard enough.

Tracking is a survival skill. Luckily it's also fun! :)

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Lisa thanks.

I was fairly flat on both dives (lol - I believe). I was getting some good forward movement (it felt).

However, looking back at it, I think I was probably more delta than track.

I'll continue to work it.

Last but not least. Good point about the soreness. I made two jumps yesterday and I am aching in all my joints (legs and arms) which has never happened before.

However, my second jump yesterday was mainly tracking (which I had never done before). It was so much fun though.

You rock, thanks for taking out a couple minutes to answer me.

Blue Skies,

It's a gas, gas, gas...

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