
just makes your blood boil

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that a mother would kill her 5 year old son then dump his body near a landfill

story here>:(

You have to take them to the landfill. The garbage truck won't take them if you leave them out by the kerb.

Oh shit....I'm going to hell....I laughed at that. Prepare to be flamed. :|

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>that a mother would kill her 5 year old son then dump his body near a landfill . . .

And to think that she is fully protected under the law, given a right to a trial and a lawyer and all that, but a 13 year old we arrest in Afghanistan isn't. Odd priorities we have sometimes.

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You guys have already BEAT this one to DEATH but I've got to say again... She is a US citizen and has the rights and privilages that come with being one (due process). The 13 year old Afghani picked up in Afghanistan does not. The world, by default, does not have the same rights and privilages fought for and earned by our country.

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I am really not trying to make this seem less terrible than it is because it is horrifying. I do see some hypocrisy in your statement, however. We've already had a LONG..LONG...discussion on the topic of abortion in a previous forum and you probably don't want to partake in this can of worms again but I feel the need to roll my 2 cents worth across the floor in your direction again. What's the difference in this woman doing this to her 5 year old child and someone aborting a viable 24 week fetus? Damn...did I do it again...I heard the can pop open. It's probably going to draw all the flies in the room.

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>She is a US citizen and has the rights and privilages that come with being one (due process).

She would be afforded exactly the same rights if she were a non-citizen alien, because the bill of rights gives people, not citizens, rights.

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People who choose to disrespect life - especially the life of a child - in such a purely selfish and malicious way do not deserve it for themselves.

What's even sadder is that evil people like this are having babies every day. Why don't they just give them up for adoption? Then a loving family gets a child, these evil bastards make a few bucks, and the kid has a happy, healthy life. Everyone wins.

I just don't get it. Poor little guy. :(:([:/]>:(

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Well, if hijacks are ok in a thread as emotional as this, do we ban broomsticks now? Ban bathtubs because of A. Yates?

Bill, it's been explained to you that many of the constitution's protections end at the shores, even for citizens. Deal with it. No one was saying she didn't deserve a fair trial. They're just saying she should be juiced when she's found guilty.

ps - it helps when you mention the thirteen year old was shooting at US armed forces.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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>She is a US citizen and has the rights and privilages that come with being one (due process).

She would be afforded exactly the same rights if she were a non-citizen alien, because the bill of rights gives people, not citizens, rights.

It applies inside the US. Not Canada. Not Mexico. Not international waters. Not outside the US.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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here ya go casie

(Jackson County, MS) March 3 - A five year old child is dead. His mom and her boyfriend are in custody.

The body was found Tuesday night a few feet into a treeline of woods across Firetower Road from the Pecan Grove Sanitary Landfill in Pass Christian - about three miles north of I-10.

27 year old Tawana Broadhead walked out of the courtroom Wednesday in shackles and an orange jump suit hiding her face. She is charged with capital murder. The judge denied her bond.

Her 43 year old boyfriend, Willie Thomas is charged with accessory after the fact of capital murder. His bond was set at 500-thousand dollars. The victim is her 5 year old son.

Investigators with the Jackson County Sheriff's Department said, "The cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head, the time of death is early afternoon or late evening sunday."

Captain Mick Sears said, Kenderick Broadhead was killed at his Escatawpa home sometime sunday. His mom did not report him missing until Tuesday.

Tina Wilay lives several houses from where the boy was killed. "That's very sad. I think she should get the death penalty for this."

Investigators were back at the crime scene all day Wednesday searching for evidence inside the home. Outside by the mailbox someone left flowers and a stuffed animal for what neighbors describe as a defenseless angel.

Warner Brown lives on the same street. Wednesday he took his two young children for a walk. "He told me about his friend who got killed."

Brown's grandson is a year younger than Kenderick. He watched as sheriff deputies and crime lab investigators searched the area. Kicking the dirt he said, "I was playing with him all day." And he said he is going to miss having fun with his friend.

Tawana broadhead is also charged with child abuse; for abusing not only of her son but her 10 year old daughter. It was reported in court she hit her daughter in the head with a broomstick and punched her in the face with a closed fist.

Neighbors say Kenderick's sister got on the school bus Tuesday scared for her life with two black eyes.

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This is someone I'd like to see fry.

Yeah, deep-fried...in a human-sized pot with Crisco.


Quiet - calm Leathal Injection HELL YES! Some people DO need killin'!
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Due process, and following the law is the only way to deal with this kind of monstrocity that some would still call human.

I agree with earlier posts that this is no different than abortion - it is just at a much later stage - if abortion is legalised - this should be too.

That and they should be punished equally.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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