
H1-B (high-tech) visas

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Ok, I can see the argument being made of how H1-B's are used to hire low wage personnel that are not even more skilled than local workers.

I have several friends that are Tech guys with H1-B's, and this is how it usually goes, for a guy to get a H1-B they have to get a sponsor, which means they have to find a company who is willing to hire them in the us, their wages are regulated and cannot be less than the mean otherwise they cant be hired.

Once this is on the works, for a company to sponsor a H1-B they have to post a sign that says they are hiring someone from out of the US and how much he is making, this sign is in plain sight within the company, public knowledge and if there are any local skilled workers who want to be paid that, then he is denied the visa.

This process takes about anywhere from 3 months to a year and its a costly endeavor for both the techie and the company not only because of the time involved but the lawyer and government fees. Why would anyone go through this much trouble if they could find the same labor over here?

Also several of my techie H1-B friends got laid off a couple of years ago and they still found jobs afterwards not without some difficulties but they still found them, ohh yeah that is because they took the "lower" paid jobs., you know the ones were its hard work in awful conditions.... damn if making 80k a year out of college is awful then I bet they were really slumming when they had to take it for peanuts (76k instead of the 80k), heck one of my friends switched companies 3 times within the last 3 years and raised his salary over 50%, I guess they are really just cheap labor with nothing else to offer.

Yes is sucks to loose you job, yes it sucks that someone else from was hired cuz he is less expensive than you, but you would be amazed if you really go in depth into the H1-B to see all the roadblocks and checkpoints that a H1-B applicant has to go through and how easily it is for a US worker to take that same job, all you have to do is apply and qualify.

ohh and all those union laws that keep the jobs here, what are they doing to prevent the hiring of illegal immigrants which create a demand for the huge flow of them into the US.


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On the other hand, my department has an open position right now that we CAN NOT fill due to no more H1-Bs being given out this year. Apparently there is a quota that once it is met, try again next october. We need a FLUENT spanish speaking and culturally aware therapist/social worker to work with our new spanish speaking hospice team. We found a girl who is GREAT< but can't get her H1-B since they're all given out. We can't wait until next year to see if she can get oen either. ugh. Can one of the techies trade? :)

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There are plenty of IT headhunting firms out there that take on the legal hassles of bringing in H1Bs and then contract them out to other companies.

Sometimes this works out better for the Visa holder - they don't need to find a new sponsor every time their job has been completed. However, they tend to get much lower pay for this trade off.
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And GWB doesn't knwo anyone who is unemployed either, so because of your narrow personal experience, there must not be a problem?

You have to blame Clinton at the same time - he increased the amount of H1B's this country gives out a couple times. GWB has done the same....so blame goes to both.

Oh, I know....Clinton also signed NAFTA. I fully blame him for both of these things. My comment was regarding a quote from GWB. Don't recall the exact words but it was to the effect that there isn't a serious problem with unemployment, there must not be because he doesn't know anyone that is unemployed.

JoeyRamone was stating that none of his friends have lost their jobs. Well, the facts are that the number of jobs has decreased, so someone has lost their jobs. Just because he doesn't know them, doesn't mean it hasn't happened.

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Well you went into the career path for the networking area.
I see no short fall in the java area, PMI certifications, MCSD certifications as well.

I currently have over 30 open positions. From Unix, C#, .NET, Java, Oracle, SAP and so on.

I never have and never will get into the Lan/Wan area. That work does not take an expert to fill.
Most of the people that got into the area of your expertise did not need a college degree and could pick up up on the fly. Companies paid and still pay for peoples Application skills or Project management skills along with being a SME (Subject Matter Expert) in a specific field.
You can not keep everyone happy.

I am just stating my views from 15 years in the business. It is never too late to learn a new skill.

I'm not about to switch to programming, only to have my job get the Bangalore Torpedo.


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