
Would you shoot someone robbing your house?

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My neighbor across the street just got robbed, they got saddles, all his electronics, even his cowboy hats. I was chatting with him tonight and I told him just about everyone in California thought I was crazy that I would kill an intruder and feel no remorse whatsoever. Just about everyone in TX agrees with me, especially out here in the country. Rob my house and I catch you, you better be right with God.

The cops even 'off the record' encourage this.
I was told by a Sheriff to empty my gun into the SOB, you don't want a wounded, pissed off criminal after you and you only want one story of what happened.

And, deadly force is just fine in Texas to protect your property.


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OK, first off, your poll and point of view are seriously screwed up.

You don't kill a person for things. EVER.

If I have to shoot someone, I shoot to stop. Not to kill, and sure as shit none of the silverscreen to wound crap. I shoot them to stop them from threatening me or others.

It just so happens that center mass is the best place to hit a felon if you want to stop them, so that's where I'd aim.

I won't vote in your poll because it doesn't have an answer I accept.

edit: if possible, I'd hold him at gunpoint until the cops arrived, but don't take that to mean I'd hesitate to shoot him if he became a threat.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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I think I would only shoot someone if they were threatening to cause harm to me or my family. And even then I would only shoot to wound. I don't think it's upon me to take someone's life and even if I did say I would I probably wouldn't cuz I am a big scaredy cat.
I'm so funny I crack my head open!

P.M.S. #102

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If they were a threat to my family, friends, or loved ones I would shoot to wound. I am a pretty good shot too.

If they were not a serious threat I would use whatever the situation dictated. Other than that they are just material things they are stealing, and I could replace them.

Death does nto fit the crime in this case though.

By the time you read this you have already read it.

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My neighbor across the street just got robbed, they got saddles, all his electronics, even his cowboy hats. I was chatting with him tonight and I told him just about everyone in California thought I was crazy that I would kill an intruder and feel no remorse whatsoever. Just about everyone in TX agrees with me, especially out here in the country. Rob my house and I catch you, you better be right with God.

The cops even 'off the record' encourage this.
I was told by a Sheriff to empty my gun into the SOB, you don't want a wounded, pissed off criminal after you and you only want one story of what happened.

And, deadly force is just fine in Texas to protect your property.


The procedure is to hit the lights and yell "FREEZE!" or some other one-syllable instruction. "HALT!" is just as good.

If they turn into a statue, fine.

If they turn around and run like hell, with their hands visible at all times, fine.

If they do much of anything but freeze or flee, stop them. An effecitve combination that's likely to remove them as a threat is two shots to the top of the sternum and one between the eyes. In general, a warm 35 caliber (.38 +P, 9x19 JHP, .357, etc.) is a recommended minimum as a social piece; a short 12 to 20 gauge will do in a pinch.

Make no followup shots (NO coup de gras).

Do NOT put a knife in their hand.

Do NOT rearrange the body to suit a better story.

Do call 911 immediately, and indicate that the homeowner is the armed survivor.

Do call a lawyer immediately. Some municipalities will give you a medal for taking out the trash, but some elements will be ripshit that you interfered with someone's line of work and thus represent a threat to people plying similar trades. Thieves and Villain's Local 406 might file some sort of grievance, and you might be up against the Union.

Oh, and if they do comply with the order to freeze, instruct them to lie face down with their hands stretched out. Stay out of reach and call the cops while keeping them covered. If they move, shoot them repeatedly and go back to "you just shot someone" mode.

Cause of death - suicide.

Blue skies,


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i voted shoot to wound
my meaning is this: if an intruder were to come into my home, whether it be to rob me or otherwise, im going to do whatever i need to do to stop him/her. not kill, STOP. the police can take it from there. thats why you take gun saftety and accuracy training courses. i dont want to take anyone's life. i just want to protect my own.
Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

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OK, first off, your poll and point of view are seriously screwed up.

You don't kill a person for things. EVER.

If I have to shoot someone, I shoot to stop. Not to kill, and sure as shit none of the silverscreen to wound crap. I shoot them to stop them from threatening me or others.

It just so happens that center mass is the best place to hit a felon if you want to stop them, so that's where I'd aim.

center mass with any serious fire arm is shooting to kill. You might prefer to call it something else, but that is simply a euphemism.

firearm rule one as taught by my father and grandfather..

Never draw aim at any living thing you are not prepared to kill.

as to the poll? if they were in my home, absolutely. They present a clear threat to the safety and security of everyone that lives there, its not as if they stopped in for cookies..

anyone who votes "shoot to wound" obviously prefers that the American legal system take away their life and livelihood instead of the criminal they wounded....
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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The question was, "Would you shoot someone robbing your house?" If a person breaks into my house and I feel my life or the lives of my family are in danger, I will shoot to kill with no hesitation. Of course, the situation would dictate whether or not I would have to shoot. I would only shoot if I had to. If I had to pull the trigger, however, the person would not get up. He'd get two to the chest for starters.

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ok, important clarification:

everyone who answers "shoot to wound," what exactly do you mean by that?

Ok, so if I feel they are a serious threat to my Family I am going for the shoulder or thigh.

Don't worry about missing, I will hit what I aim for.
Not a serious threat, nothing beats a little unarmed selfdefense/hand to hand combat.

They have a knife...then I will have a bat.

I like things being as even as possible.

By the time you read this you have already read it.

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Maybe if you'd read the entire post, you'd realize I'm not a liberal pansy, and if you put in any effort at all, you'd see in my profile that I live in Alabama. I've never even benn to California. I also happen to know some CA natives who are the biggest supporters of the right to self defense that you'll ever hear about. I also know plenty of Texans who are caring enough not to want to shoot someone for stealing their radio.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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I would give my life to SAVE my daughters and baby boy also my wife but, I would be in better standing to take the assailants life 1st and continue to have them and I as a family.
Even GOD believes in preserving the family;)
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Maybe if you'd read the entire post, you'd realize I'm not a liberal pansy

Are you insinuating that everyone in California is a liberal pansy? I never said that. And I was just joking with you, hence the smiley face.

But, I remember listening to the Russ Martin talk show here a few weeks ago and they were having a debate on this very issue. A single mom that made minimum wage called in and told her story of how she lost her job because someone stole her beater car and had to go on welfare to feed her kids.

Possesions are important, and I dedicate a large part of my life acquiring them. If someone wants to take that away from me, I will have no hesitation using deadly force. It is also a big deterrent ot criminals to know that the dude you are going to rob is probably armed and would not hesitate to shoot you.

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You're right.........but I was speaking of someone "obviously" armed in which case they truly ended up at the wrong house.......my house. Not all home robbers are armed...........they're some idiots out there. If they are packing and draw on me, I'm gonna double tap them. If they are not packing, I'm definately not gonna shoot them unless they have other types of weapons they attempting to use........different scenarios dictate different responses. No robber's intentions are honorable........................but not all are life threatening.

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center mass with any serious fire arm is shooting to kill. You might prefer to call it something else, but that is simply a euphemism.

No, you are mistaken. Shooting to stop is shooting until they stop being a threat. Shooting to kill is shooting htem until they are dead, as in following up with a bullet to the forehead, as someone here suggested.


firearm rule one as taught by my father and grandfather..

Never draw aim at any living thing you are not prepared to kill.

Actually, that is firearms safety rule number two. Number one is "All guns are always loaded, until you verify otherwise."


as to the poll? if they were in my home, absolutely. They present a clear threat to the safety and security of everyone that lives there, its not as if they stopped in for cookies..

They are not a threat until they make themselves one. Even if they did show up with intentions of robbing you blind, that is not license to kill them.


anyone who votes "shoot to wound" obviously prefers that the American legal system take away their life and livelihood instead of the criminal they wounded....

Well, we can at least agree on that point. I don't shoot until I have to, but when I do I make it count.

Like my dad always told me, "Don't ever start a fight, but by God you had better finish it."
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Maybe if you'd read the entire post, you'd realize I'm not a liberal pansy

Are you insinuating that everyone in California is a liberal pansy? I never said that. And I was just joking with you, hence the smiley face.

But, I remember listening to the Russ Martin talk show here a few weeks ago and they were having a debate on this very issue. A single mom that made minimum wage called in and told her story of how she lost her job because someone stole her beater car and had to go on welfare to feed her kids.

Possesions are important, and I dedicate a large part of my life acquiring them. If someone wants to take that away from me, I will have no hesitation using deadly force. It is also a big deterrent ot criminals to know that the dude you are going to rob is probably armed and would not hesitate to shoot you.

Get renters / homeowner insurance! We live in america, the punishment for stealing is never death. You can always replace your precious sterio.


Sean In Thailand

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Maybe if you'd read the entire post, you'd realize I'm not a liberal pansy

Are you insinuating that everyone in California is a liberal pansy? I never said that. And I was just joking with you, hence the smiley face.

But, I remember listening to the Russ Martin talk show here a few weeks ago and they were having a debate on this very issue. A single mom that made minimum wage called in and told her story of how she lost her job because someone stole her beater car and had to go on welfare to feed her kids.

Possesions are important, and I dedicate a large part of my life acquiring them. If someone wants to take that away from me, I will have no hesitation using deadly force. It is also a big deterrent ot criminals to know that the dude you are going to rob is probably armed and would not hesitate to shoot you.

Do you have trouble reading past the first sentence? To quote myself:

Maybe if you'd read the entire post, you'd realize I'm not a liberal pansy, ...I also happen to know some CA natives who are the biggest supporters of the right to self defense that you'll ever hear about...

I'm sorry you place such low value on human life.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Are you speaking of armed or unarmed robbers?

Are you going to give them the opportunity to demonstrate armament if it is not immediately apparent?

It has been my experience that you are better off assuming that they have deadly force available and to deny them the opportunity to use it.

If a cop is going for ID, he will usually move slowly, saying "badge, badge...." while extracting it with fingertips.

If someone starts grabbing for a pocket after being advised that they are facing deadly force, shoot to stop immediately.

Blue skies,


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Have you checked the poll results? More people are agreeing with me than you.....It is not a lack of value for human life, it is a value of integrity and justice. I see you are from Birmingham, I went to U of A in Tuscaloosa.....Did you go to Auburn or something:o

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