
Update on Elfanie - and her ankle!

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I had a follow up with my orthopedic surgeon the day before yesterday...he took all 21 staples out of my ankle. WHOO HOO! B| I'm free of the staples!

I can now move my ankle and he wants me to be flexing and pointing it as much as I can every day (already been doing that). He said that as of today (2 weeks after surgery) I can start putting pressure on it when I walk. I spend most of my days out of the cast - I only really put it on when I'm going out somewhere. When I'm home I just sit in my recliner with my food open and exposed to the air. Looks like it's healing really well, though!

So today I did some practice walking with my crutches. it's slightly creepy to me to think that I have a plate and SIX screws in my ankle - and it's still beautifully bruised :P.

Attached pictures are NOT for the squeemish. :S:$ They are of my ankle after getting the splint cut off (5 days after surgery)...both sides of my ankle (since they had to go in both sides - I have a 5.5" long incision on the outside, and about a 2" incision on the inside) :S The last picture is of me with my three kids (in the doctor's office)...

I'm healing well - working hard at doing so. It's only been 16 days since I broke it, so I think I'm doing remarkably well all things considered.

OH! And I do have one more picture I want to show off!! I broke my ankle on Tuesday, but had some fantastic jumps on the previous Saturday...the attachment called "Rodeo" is a rodeo jump I did with my husband and some friends. I am in the red suit riding on my husband (green/blue suit) - and I'm shaking the pantleg of one of my VERY good friends who is an awesome flyer...VERY FUN! B|

Anyways...that's my update!! Still gimped up...but healing well. :)

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Fly Safe - Soft Landings

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Looks like you broke your ankle worse than I did mine....but judging by the fact that the doc wants you to put pressure on it....I guess not.

I dunno...
I have found it interesting that different doctors appear to have different recommendations. For example, when they had trouble fitting me for a camcast (I'm only 5'2" so the casts were all too long for me), he mentioned, "I could put you in a regular cast, but that would be cruel..."
yet I know of other doctors who automatically put a regular plaster cast on after surgery...*shrug*

I also think that because I crutched myself in before surgery into his office on my broken ankle - he made a comment that he thought that I'd heal fast because I, "appear to have a high tolerance of pain.."
I don't know about that...this has definately NOT been "pain free"!! *lol* But he just told me to take it very very easy and if it hurts at ALL, not to do it...


Glad its healing fast :)

Maybe the fact that I have both a plate and screws (and 6 screws at that), maybe that makes a difference as in maybe it makes it sturdier?? I have no idea...

I broke the fibula (really good - it alone got 5 of the 6 screws) as well as broke the end of the tibia - and shoved the tibia out of place...so yeah, I did a number on it. :$

My Skydiving Page
Fly Safe - Soft Landings

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Jesus. That looks painful :(

Looks like it's healing nicely though!

well...umm...yeah, it hasn't been without challenges, that's for sure. :P But I AM pleased at how well it's healing!! B|

My Skydiving Page
Fly Safe - Soft Landings

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BTW...do your kids think this is the coolest thing or what? ;)


Hee hee..
my kids think skydiving is just the coolest thing...period. B| my son brags at school about his parents..

and the day after I broke my ankle my son came home from class (he's in 3rd grade) with a stack of construction paper - each kid in his class wrote me a get-well card and they are the funniest things. "I'm sorry you broke your ancel skydiving, but I hope you feel acomplished." tee hee....so adorable..


My Skydiving Page
Fly Safe - Soft Landings

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