
1.1 million

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The open house had more than 83 groups, totalling over 200 people (or thereabouts) in a 4 hour period on Sunday. My feet were sore...

Happy? Oh damned skippy.

Tired? Oh damned skippy...

Sounds like your hard work paid off..good job! Congrats!B|


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You go girl! I think we need to start calling you SuperWoman! Or Energizer Bunny. You just keep on going and going, always taking on near-impossible good deeds.

Rock on!

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein

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Keith, I'd kiss you in a New York second....check your pm's, btw...

Jimmy T, the way it's credited is that because I am a double agent - meaning I represent both sides of the transaction, I get paid for $550K from the sellers' side, and also get paid off the buyers' side at $550K. So the total going into escrow in my "good girl" column is $550 x 2 which is 1.1mm.

As to rolling in dough, as Rehma said, there are all sorts of deductions and taxes and fees (my E&O is due, which will take $1500 off the top, for example...) to pay out of this. Plus, I have oodles of Dr. bills to take care of...and the rest of it goes into savings because real estate is a feast or famine business, and while I may be feasting now, I am very familiar with Top Ramen....and not particularly partial to it, either. LOL....and I won't even see it until June. So it's still Ramen time. (But I bet I can divert some of it towards tunnel and air time after that....;))

But am I pleased? Oh heck yeah.

It's wonderful about the $$ - no fooling there - but what's also great is that I have two families' emotional health and wellbeing in my hands, and their dreams are sitting with me. I love being able to make that happen for people. Makes my heart smile. And if the wallet gains some weight along with it, then so much the better.

Man. I still can't believe I pulled that one off. Lots of competition for it, lots and lots and lots...but I did it!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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The deal is going gangbusters - very clean house, very nice sellers and simply wonderful buyers...I couldn't be happier.



One of the realtors who lost (there were 5 offers, remember) called me this morning. She and I are good friends, and I like her very much. Their offer was good, but not good enough, and she understands that, as well as realizing the sort of market she's in.


She opened the conversation with "I've lost all control of my clients..." and then proceeded to ask me to not open any mail I received from her buyers, and to ask that my clients not open any mail from her buyers. Turns out they're kinda furious that they didn't get the house.

So now I get to expect hate mail.

Oh fun. I don't care so much - it's a part of my job, I suppose, but my sellers are wonderful human beings and I don't want them to get splattered by the shit fan. I've emailed the sellers, and asked them to please not open, and to give to me immediately, any correspondence they may receive from the "buyers-to-be"...and they've agreed. Human nature being what it is, I suspect they will, after they've opened it and read it, get hurt by it, and feel badly.


Why do some people have to rain on others' parade? I mean, really. They were not even close enough to be offered backup position...

Oh well. And so here I wait for hate mail....



~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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You got the sale, right???? YOU GO, GIRL!!! :)
Ta hell with 'hate mail'. It will be forgotten shortly if they have harsh feelings, and you did what you needed to. Don't you worry a minute about it, K?? :)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Re: the out of control " purchase offerers"..:S.. Don't let these people negatively affect you... or your clients.....
The other realtor ( your acquaintance,) was considerate to let you know about these "disgruntled
Heck there are Tons of houses out there, let them go find another one...
Either their offer was too little or it was too late....
Either way,,, in real estate,,, as in skydiving...
"you snooze,, you lose"...
Do a continuing good job for both your clients,,,but also,,,start lining up the NEXT property to work on...
... This Is JUST the Beginning!!!!!:o:DB|;)

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