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I just want everyone to recognize that pimping and hustilin aint easy. It's a life style, a representation of your self in an artistic like form. It's a bridge between whats real and what people can only hope for. Pimping's been around for centuries, but only real pimps and husslers recognize the everyday grind and hard work involved in being the best you can be. Respect all the pimps in neighborhoods near you!!!
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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Pop... can you give me lessons in "pimping" and "putting the smack down on hoes"?

I also hear I should try to learn something about "putting the 'boo' in your 'booty'", but I am not sure what exactly that entails....

Please let me know.

What would Vic Mackey do?

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Obviously, like all the best pimps and "husslers" who preceded you, reading and spelling ain't high on your list of skills...;)

And hey, drag your gimpy leg down to Seascape for Peter and Steph's Anniversary jump this Saturday, we need a swooping target for Seb...
Doctor I ain't gonna die,
Just write me an alibi! ---- Lemmy/Slash

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I will be in Houston this weekend. Would love to make it though. Nothing like being a target for Seb. He is pretty accurate, so I'd probably get knocked in my other knee and gimp all over again.
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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I'm confused. What's the difference between pimping and husslin? How can I tell who is what? Do they wear the same type of clothes? Does a pimp wear gold while the hussler wears silver or something? Please help me out here.

Also, what's the best way to approach them?


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Does a pimp wear gold while the hussler wears silver or something? Please help me out here.

much training needs you say i........ pimps should be noted for the lepord fur trimed coats and the huslers for well the picture of lary flynt on the wall....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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I just want everyone to recognize that pimping and hustilin aint easy. It's a life style, a representation of your self in an artistic like form. It's a bridge between whats real and what people can only hope for. Pimping's been around for centuries, but only real pimps and husslers recognize the everyday grind and hard work involved in being the best you can be. Respect all the pimps in neighborhoods near you!!!

Riiiiiiiight.....and that brings me to my next point kids; Don't Do Crack! :D

PMS #62
Zarza R[red

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