
So, What's YOUR story...?

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From Sailor Moon, Black Mistress. Why?


LoL...it has been driving me nuts...I couldn't figure it out...I have seen some of Sailor Moon, it has been a while..but...not much...are you a fan?B|

Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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How about:

"Ever since I was a little kid I had wanted to, I used to get in trouble for jumping off the roof with home made 'parachutes' constructed with bookbags and bed sheets."

LOL, yup, same story except I didn't get in trouble doing it. I also used to climb trees and see how high I could jump out of them without getting hurt. Needless to say I got hurt a lot but luckily never broke anything. :S I consider jumping from airplanes with a parachute much safer than what I used to do B|
Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach http://www.ariperelman.com

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other, got into to it to start BASE jumping...which I have come to realize takes a lot more money than starting skydiving...so that is going to wait a while...

Yes BASE jumping is more expensive than many would tend to think. Unless you've got a ton of exit points in your backyard, you've got traveling and accommodation expenses, the obvious gear expenses and for most we also have additional FJC course expenses when we are first getting into the sport. Also, besides the expenses. Don't ever forget that BASE is an order of magnitude more dangerous that skydiving and the chances of being seriously hurt and/or killed are much higher. :)


When I here it calling my name I will be at that infamous bridge...

I will be in potato land over the Memorial Day weekend and who knows, I may end up being a temporary resident there sometime in the future to get some experience in before moving on to being a temporary resident of Moab to gain more experience before yes moving on to certain places in Europe to be temporary residents there as well. Yes I see being a Gypsy as possible lifestyle change for me in the not too distant future. My days of working in Corporate America are numbered?

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Hi Kalyne

Believe it or not, things are a little slow at work this morning, so I have time to share my story. :)

For most of my life, Aviation has always been something I was interested in. My natural father is a retired RCAF jet fighter pilot (he used to fly Sabres in Germany during the cold war years of the early 60s) and a retired airline pilot. But he divorced my mom soon after I came on the scene so it's not like I grew up in the cockpit. Anyway, my mom also married some dude who used to work at an airline as a mechanic, so between my father and step-monster (that would be step-father) I did a lot of commercial airline traveling when I was young. But throughout my 20s and much of my 30s, I was pretty much a ground hungry whuffo who dabbled in many other dangerous activities (motorcycles, mountaineering, etc, etc, etc).

Now in the Spring of 2001, I was dating this single mom and spending a fair amount of time on my home based flight simulator. Well my girlfriend at the time noticed this and pretty much gave me the green light to go out and try one of those introductory discovery flights. Well the rest is history. I found a renewed interest in being in the air and I went on to become a licensed private pilot. I was flying a fair amount between the summer of 2001 and the summer of 2002 (I have 170 hours and about 10 hours of solo Colorado mountain flights). But flying is expensive (worse than skydiving) and for the same $$$ that I spend while skydiving an entire day, I would spend for just 60-90 minutes of Hobbs time flight. Then on July 14th 2002, myself and some volleyball friends visited Mile-Hi skydiving for our tandem jumps (I had wanted to try skydiving for years, but never got around to trying it until this day) and the rest is history. I didn't know it at the time, but my life has forever changed (both good and bad aspects with my lifestyle changes). Anyway, since July 14th 2002 I have made 618 jumps and am pretty addicted to being in the air (both in freefall but also under canopy). I know the addiction has struck a few people worse than me, but it hit me pretty hard. I have no idea how much money I have spent in this sport (jump tickets, gear, traveling, camera gear, videos, beer, etc, etc, etc). But I have spent a lot. :o

PS: I doubt it will happen this year, but I'd love to get my PRO rating soon so that I could jump into Folsum Field for next year's Boulder Bolder (but I seriously question if I will be in CO this time next year and seriously question if I will ever get to see the changes to MHSD which should occur sometime in the next 12-24 months). :ph34r:

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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I started jumping in the army (static line, round canopies), and it came to a point that we could not get aircraft. Jump after jump was cancelled. Being on jump status with the military as a rigger and not jumping for over 2yrs! WTF? Thats when I decided that if the army of all organizations cant get an aircraft, I will go do it myself. Thats what got me into skydiving. Spiritually its wonderful, financially its a nightmare.....Damn the army for making me take such drastic actions!!! :D

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For me, it was quite simple really. Skydiving was something that I had always wanted to do, ever since I was a little kid. Back then, I saw the old TV series, "Ripcord" Skydiving looked like the coolest thing, and I decided that I wanted to do it. Last October, I went to the DZ, signed up for AFF, took the classes and made the first jump. I finally did it, and now, six months later, I am working on my "B" License, when I can afford to jump. That's my story.
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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I'm sorry....! Yes, I'm a big fan! She's the closest resemblance I could find...hahaha!


LoL...I used to get compared to anime characters all the time because I have dark hair...of course...the characters usually cracked me up...I think so far I have been compared to Faye from Cowboy Bebop, and the scary woman from Slayers...:D:ph34r:

Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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I guess I always wanted to try it. Two years ago I stoped at Skydive Ill. on the way out to see friends in IA. I just asked some questions and then chickened out and left. Last spring I made the same trip and this time I said to myself your doing it weather you like it or not. I did and at first I didn't like it. The tandem was like riding on the back of someone elses motor cycle, you went for a ride but didn't have any controle. On the return trip I decided to try it again this time AFF and that did it the first AFF jump hooked me. The rest is history.

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It has been something I have always wanted to do and then on Feb 29th 2004 I took the leap. Ever since then I can't stop thinking about it and when I can go again. I live in Lake Tahoe so as soon as the weather here is warm enough I will be starting AFF.

B| Deedy
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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Like many skydivers, it was something I always thought about doing; it was on my "To Do" list. Then in September of 2002 I had the opportunity, and my employer paid for my 1st tandem and video. We were making a risk video for work, and of course skydiving was my idea for the video. The entire management team went out to the drop zone, but I was the only one who jumped. The first thing I said when I landed was "That was great!, Let's do it again!" I knew that I would be doing it again and went back to sign up for AFF. :)
"If happy little bluebirds fly above the rainbow, why oh why can't I?"

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How about:

"Ever since I was a little kid I had wanted to, I used to get in trouble for jumping off the roof with home made 'parachutes' constructed with bookbags and bed sheets."

Me too:D and don't forget the unbrella I tried that one a couple of times... would have been sweet if the damn thing did not invert on me...

the readers digest version of my story... (the non condenced is on here somewere...

bought Aff1's for myself and my at the time GF for her birthday. It was something she always was talking about wanting to do... well I get stuck in my head that I want to jump solo... forget the instructers I just wanted to play once or twice in the air... well on aff 5 doing back loops I fell in love...
so I am still here... and don't plan on going anyware...
funny too cause, not that there was not other problems... it was something that caused alot of resentment. Continueing to jump that is. And well one of the contributing factors to the demise of the relationship.

The Angel of Duh has spoke

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