
Anyone good at calc?

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just wait to you start doing integration.
I would help but its been a few years since I last did any calculus and have never needed it. I could remember how to do even the simplest derivative with out having to break out my old text book first.

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yeah, so i have a hw assigment for my business calc class due in an hour... HELP!

Well.. here is a start...

y = (x) / (x-3)^2

Find the second derivative of the above equation ..


It's a standard type of problem. I bet you $10 it's in your text book.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Okay that one is reasonably easy.. I could probably make something up for that... don't know if it will be right but... HERE try this one...

And my prof doesn't teach out of the book... i really wish he did

Use the given 2nd derivative and the domain of f(x) to determine the intervals where the function f(x) is concave up and where it is concave down.

Domain of f(x) is All REALS
f''(x)= (x^2 -36) (x+2)^2 (1-x)


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I think its too late, but anyways....
I did it really quickly, so check for simple calculation errors. And you can simplify it by multiplying a lot of stuff out:

(4(x+3)(x+3)^8 + ((x+3)^2 + x(2(X+3))(8(x+3)^7)) / (X+3)^8

And yeah - just wait for integration! :P

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For the second question, just find the second derivative to that equation. In the regions where the second derivative is positive, the function is concave up, and in the regions where the second derivative is negative then the funtion is concave down.

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yeah, so i have a hw assigment for my business calc class due in an hour... HELP!

Well.. here is a start...

y = (x) / (x-3)^2

Find the second derivative of the above equation ..



Unless you are calculating something about fall rate of a birdman!


As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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I understand the steps.. and I know how to integrate... actually easier for me LOL

I'm just stressed because the answers are so freakin weird that I think I'm wrong... so maybe my answers are right... who knows...


Oops, sorry I guess I didn't realize what you were asking. I'd have to say go with the weird answers - thats what I do! Good luck :)

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