
White sands, clear waters, and fruity drinks!!!!

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Has anyone tried this? :D It's funny looking! Neither one of us has ever been scuba diving, and since we live in the Midwest, I doubt we'll have a reason to do so anytime soon after our trip. I wonder if this would be a fun alternative!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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About avoiding sunburn...

Yeah, I'm melanin-blessed but I still get fried if I'm not careful (like a couple days ago). Take it from me, a former CA/HI water baby: use the cheap stuff and a lot of it. No-AD, sold in grocery stores everywhere, makes a clear, non-greasy zinc oxide creme in 45 which is great for your face, ears and the little margins right above and below your swimsuit which always seem to burn extra-crispy. Banana Boat sells a pretty cheap sweatproof 30 in the handy economy-size tube. Apply everywhere (even the areas hidden under your swimsuit) liberally about 20 minutes before heading out, and then every 30 minutes or so afterwards, whether you think you need it or not. Pay attention to the normal hotspots, shoulder blades, nose, tops of ears, eyelids, etc. You'll still get tan but without the pulsating, itchy burn. It's not cool when your friends can light cigarettes off your lobster-red shoulders.

Have fun on your trip! I'm jealous!

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Banana Boat sells a pretty cheap sweatproof 30 in the handy economy-size tube.

I love Banana Boat! That stuff smells great! That's what I'll probably get!

Also, I forgot to say, "Thanks!" earlier to whoever reminded me about the bugs in St. John. I didn't think about that, so thanks for the heads up!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I just got back from Belize. TheAnvil's tips:

1) disposable underwater cameras work pretty well - just know how deep yours will go.

2) When I go someplace, I take a whole bottle of SPF 45 and start with that. When it's ALMOST gone I go down to SPF 15 because I've tanned enough at that point. I put on aloe gel every night whether I need it or not.

Have fun!

Vinny the Anvil
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Another question, do you guys think that this would be a good place to visit while I'm there?

Oh, and how about some real advice that I can use now? Like, are there certain towels or other beach things that make "fun time" a little less sandy? (hey...I have to ask!)

First, yes that IS a really great place to visit. If you're actually going to be on St. John, you are gonna LOVE IT! Beautiful place, pretty nice people.

As for the second...no, fun time will be sandy and painful if you're not careful. Not to mention the locals frown on nudity or hijinks on the beach (except for a few areas, find a good guidebook to find out where ;)). If you want to try something at night, good luck...see my earlier comments about the bugs. [:/]
Doctor I ain't gonna die,
Just write me an alibi! ---- Lemmy/Slash

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If you're actually going to be on St. John, you are gonna LOVE IT! Beautiful place, pretty nice people.

Yay! Yeah, we'll definitely go there for a day or two. The ferry is quick and cheap! It looks much too beutiful to miss!


no, fun time will be sandy and painful if you're not careful.

Boo! How does one be "careful"? Should I get a tarp? :D


(except for a few areas, find a good guidebook to find out where ).

Thanks! I heard that Honeymoon Beach is a little more accepting. Is that true?


If you want to try something at night, good luck...see my earlier comments about the bugs.

HAHAHA! yeah...that could get gross....
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Give me $800 and I'll just get an underwater case for my pc-100 :)
You're good with numbers - $15 for a disposable still? Or $800 for real underwater exciting video!!?? I think the choice is clear.
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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You're good with numbers - $15 for a disposable still? Or $800 for real underwater exciting video!!?? I think the choice is clear.

Hmmm....I think the underwater case for your camera is actually an investment for future opportunites!!!! ;)
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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You're good with numbers - $15 for a disposable still? Or $800 for real underwater exciting video!!?? I think the choice is clear.

Hmmm....I think the underwater case for your camera is actually an investment for future opportunites!!!! ;)

You guys are gonna get into underwater porn?:D

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You're good with numbers - $15 for a disposable still? Or $800 for real underwater exciting video!!?? I think the choice is clear.

Hmmm....I think the underwater case for your camera is actually an investment for future opportunites!!!! ;)

There's not enough room in those BOB things for what you're thinking of.. :D

I tried one of those things once...it was OK...more of a novelty than anything else...I was a bit afraid to take it deeper than about 15', but then again, I normally dive with total redundant systems - those don't have such systems..so I was a bit nervous to begin with.


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as much as i hate to promote *fake scuba* types of things..... the BOB thing looks well... kinda funny. All I see in my mind are people pommelling into precious reefs... ugh!!!

For a better and more *scuba-like* thing maybe try SNUBA. You breathe off a regulator, but the tanks are above surface on a raft. Kinda like scuba diving on a leash so you can't go too deep, etc etc. Saw it in Key West. Of course, I'd HIGHLY recommend a discover scuba course to do teh real thing... discover scuba isn't cerification, it's a half day pool class and a dive or two (shallow- up to 35-40 feet) with an instructor very close by. I bought my sister the discover scuba thing for her birthday and she loved it. it's not too expensive.


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All I see in my mind are people pommelling into precious reefs... ugh!!!

Their answer about it:

Q: How do you prevent the BOB from banging into the reefs?

A: We are very supportive of the health of our reefs and the environment and would never permit this to happen. The BOB tour is guided and conducted in groups of 4-6 people at one time. Each group is accompanied by 3 certified dive masters and a predetermined route is followed.

I'm not so sure about discover scuba. I'm not sure if I want to spend half of a vacation day in a swimming pool learning how to scuba dive...kinda....I won't even learn enough to go all that deep. SNUBA sounds like more of an option, though. I'll see if they have anything like that down there. Thanks for the suggestion!

I want to go NOW!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Just remember....no matter which route you go for the diving thing....the crucial rule for all is...DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH WHILE UNDERWATER.. bad things can happen if you do while ascending.. I hope they explain, at the very least, that important tidbit for those BOB courses. When I did it, I admit...I didn't pay attention to the briefing.. :o I told 'em just show me where the throttle is.. :D


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