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Meh!!!!! My father has been acting like a child and wrote me an email basically saying he doesn't really care about me and the only thing he cares about is money. Now i come to find out he is coming to manhattan, and i have already made plans to go to nebraska. But the thing is part of me knows i should stay and face my father but the other parts says that i have already made plans and should take responsciblilty for them and go, Im so confused. suggestions anyone? :(
Just because I appear sweet doesn't mean I can't kick your ass!

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If your fathers attitude has to do with you skydiving, you're correct, he is acting quite childish. Follow through with your plans. What would staying there and facing your dad accomplish? It sounds like he is not ready to accept your skydiving, and probably wont be for a while. So all you would be doing I think is depriving yourself of a good time. Go have fun ;) And don't worry about your dad (as if you are gonna be able to heed that advice, I know...) he will come around eventually. Just make sure he knows that you love him and want still want to be a part of his life

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I agree with the post above. I had to break away from my Dad and it has actually been a great experience. I'm doing what I WANT to now and not what he and or the family expected, and believe it or not, he became very supportive of him. His words were

"well, get off your butt and do something then!!!"

I think you might find the same thing. The only difference between your Dad and mine is a) my dad can't just show up, he lives in Brasil b) be can't drain my account without my signature
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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heheh, well yeah. Im going with chris to nebraska anyways. b/c he didn't bother to fucking call or write. He doesn't really care but still i really wish i didn't care about what he thought and the fact that i know he is driving to get up here. grrrrr damnit why must i care so much. grrrrr. fuck the fucking fuckers
Just because I appear sweet doesn't mean I can't kick your ass!

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yeah ya'll are right, the only thing he has me on is a credit card and my cell. damnit i need a job. meh. but as far as me doing what i want chris, i am. skydiving being one of them, and my tat is the other and coming here he really hates the fact that i go to ksu.
Just because I appear sweet doesn't mean I can't kick your ass!

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meh, my brother is the current favorite with my father so yeah i guess. my dad goes from who he doesn't like and who he does rather often so i guess my brother is the "good" child at the moment. im the black sheep problem child heheh oh well lives a bitch and then you die, fuck the world and lets get high hehe j/k
Just because I appear sweet doesn't mean I can't kick your ass!

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yeah ya'll are right, the only thing he has me on is a credit card and my cell. damnit i need a job.

I'm going to sound like a parent now (of course, I am -- I have a 20-year-old son). The best thing I ever did for my relationship with my parents was to take complete responsibility for myself. I quit school for a year, saved money, and went back on my own dime.

Yes, I lived with less. No A/C (in Houston, that's a little tough). Home cooking. Lots of beans. No car for the first few months, and a junker after that.

But it was all mine, and my parents thoroughly respected me, because I'd done it myself. They can disagree with what you decided, but once they don't control your comfort, it's just input into your own decisions.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Ill remeber that. And i was thinking of sitting out a semster or something work and save up some money. but he isn't paying for me to attend school so thats not the problem
Just because I appear sweet doesn't mean I can't kick your ass!

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Once he doesn't own your lifestyle, it'll be easier to reclaim your head -- and it does belong to you.
Making your own opinion of yourself be more important than your parent's is very difficult sometimes, especially when they're not very loveable. But once you can see your own strengths and weaknesses honestly, then their strengths and their weaknesses aren't as important either.

Good luck, dude. And go on your trip, but be nice about it, just mention that you have a previous commitment.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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