
Phil Jackson...Good or Lucky?

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So, is Phil Jackson a good coach or does he just appear to be good because he has always had the baddest ass ball players playing for him? How can you not win games when you have MJ, Scottie Pippen, Kobe, and Shaquille on your teams??

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Great Coach. While Micheal was Great ,Scottie was nothing more then a Cry Baby with moderate talent. Phil Jackson Made Scottie appear to be better then he was. Yes I said Phil because it was his coaching scheme that allowed Scottie to appear as such a great player. He was good but not great by any stretch of the imagination.

The Lakers had Shaq and Kobe long before Phil Came along. They did not win with them unti he got there.

Phil Jackson is the difference between a very good team and a great team

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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Well said. I loved the Bulls when he coached them and have always been a Laker fan. I was very happy when they hiredhim and knew right away they would start winning championships again.

I think Phil is not only a great coach, but he is very smart about the situations he lets himself get into. He always has the teams with the best players. Add his coaching talents and they win,win,win and maybe win again.
I think the fact that he goes to teams that have talent already makes people doubt his coaching, ,but as you all ready said. The lakers had Shaq, Kobi, Fisher, Fox, Horry and a bunch of other with out Phil and they couldn't get it done. Phil comes along and BAM!!!!!!! WE are the champs again.

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Dennis Rodman is one of the most underrated players I have ever seen. Never seen anyone rebound and play as hard and physical as he did. Too bad people only remember his extreme lifestyle and not his game. His "freakness" often overshadowed his b-ball talent.


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I agree! Dennis was the best at what he did.

Back when I used to make good money, I met him in New Port Beach a few times and was invited back to his house for a party. This was in his Heyday. It was incredible. Women, booze, loud music, killer house and lots of fun for all. I never made it upstairs, but that seems like that is where the really good stuff was going on. In hind site it is probably better I didn't make it up there.

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Dennis Rodman is one of the most underrated players I have ever seen. Never seen anyone rebound and play as hard and physical as he did. Too bad people only remember his extreme lifestyle and not his game. His "freakness" often overshadowed his b-ball talent.

And he featured in "Cutaway"~!!!!!

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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According to the "The Worm" aka Dennis Rodman
he announced on (The View) he is going to return to the NBA this fall.


Thursday, June 3rd

Today, for the first time anywhere, Dennis Rodman announced that he's returning to the NBA! Unfortunately, Dennis was not permitted to reveal what team he's signing with, but promised to return in July to make the big announcement.

Plus he said he sold his house in Newport Beach.


Nick D

The key to Immortality is- first living a life worth remembering”

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