
Anyone ever have a bone graft???

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I just got back from the hospital and I found out that my Tibia hasn't healed the way it should have by now. They left about a 1/4" gap between the upper and lower portions of my Tibia and it hasn't really changed much over the past 4 months. The Doc says that they can take some bone from my pelvis and graft it in to my leg[:/] That just doesn't sound very appealing to me. They also want to wait another six weeks before they decide what to do which pretty much takes me out of skydiving for the rest of the season. Has anyone here had a bone graft? If so, what kind of results did you have?

I'm just curious to hear other peoples experiences.


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Me personally, no. But I don't think its such an uncommon procedure. There's a website for people with broken legs (beware- there are LOTS of whiners) who share stories and info. A friend turned me onto it when I brok my ankle last year and I've found the site pretty helpful over all. (whiners aside)

its mybrokenleg.com

You might search their forum for bone graft info.

Lots of luck to you and I sorry your bone isn't healing so well!


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Yeah, I have to agree - lots of "poor me this and poor me that" goin' on on that pageB| But, there was a few bone graft cases to check out - looks like 2 weeks of more pain, bruising, and swelling - a few more stitches and scars, and eventually, some healing of da' stick.

Thanks for tip -

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This is pretty much what happend to me after a motorcycle accident over 10 years ago.

I broke my left tib and fib and after 8 weeks of non weightbearing and a month of semi weightbearing found that it hadnt healed much at all. It was apparent that there was something wrong when I could feel the two peices of bone knocking togther.:S

I had a bone graft to bridge the 5mm gap and meld the two seperate peices of my tibia together.
The bone graft was taken from my left iliac crest (hip) and squished into the gap. I also had a plate and 8 screws put in. The plate was later removed.

It wasnt soooo bad surgery wise, but hurt quite a bit performing "normal bodily functions". My leg still hurts if I go out dancing all night or run a lot on it, but the bone graft did wat it was supposed to do and the scar on my hip is pretty minimal.

You can pm me if you have any more questions, but I would say go for it if the surgeon feels it necessary.

Good luck.


I just got back from the hospital and I found out that my Tibia hasn't healed the way it should have by now. They left about a 1/4" gap between the upper and lower portions of my Tibia and it hasn't really changed much over the past 4 months. The Doc says that they can take some bone from my pelvis and graft it in to my leg[:/] That just doesn't sound very appealing to me. They also want to wait another six weeks before they decide what to do which pretty much takes me out of skydiving for the rest of the season. Has anyone here had a bone graft? If so, what kind of results did you have?

I'm just curious to hear other peoples experiences.


You are led through your lifetime by the inner learning creature, the playful spiritual being that is your real self.-Richard Bach

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I had bone taken from my hip and put into my wrist and after surgery I thought NO WAY will that ever happen again. The surgery on the broken wrist felt like a tickle compared to the pain of the hip after they were thru chiseling the bone off the hip. Donor bone is the only way to go. Surgery is bad enough without having to add another incision and the pain of having bone hammered off the hip. I would seriously never left them take bone off my hip again. Just remember the phrase "Donor Bone".

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I had bone taken from my hip and put into my wrist and after surgery I thought NO WAY will that ever happen again. The surgery on the broken wrist felt like a tickle compared to the pain of the hip after they were thru chiseling the bone off the hip. Donor bone is the only way to go. Surgery is bad enough without having to add another incision and the pain of having bone hammered off the hip. I would seriously never left them take bone off my hip again. Just remember the phrase "Donor Bone".

I will second the thought about the pain.

Six weeks after I shattered my femur, they did a graft to fill in a very large gap and harvested it from my iliac crest. They don't "hammer off the hip" -- according to my surgeon, they crack the iliac crest and scoop out the soft bone much like getting ice cream for a cone.

My leg hurt bad enough, but the first two or three days after the grft, my leg didn't bother me near as much as the donor site. Man that was pain. The good thing is it went away pretty rapidly.

The main advantage of being a self-donor is that there is little chance of rejection. As much as it hurt, given the good results I got, I would do it again. At least I would be prepared for the pain.

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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Yep. I've had one on April 29th. A patellar bone graft to repair my blown ACL. Hurt real bad the first 72 hours; lots of percocet and ice helped alot. Now I am 6 weeks out from my surgery and I'm looking for to jumping this weekend. Doc's told everything is coming along fine.

Get the surgery. You'll be back in action before you know it. Just make sure you have a second opinion done. Oh and find out how many of these types of surgeries your Doc has done.



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Major **VIBES&HUGZ** comin your way.

Get your butt back in the air!:)

I want to - in a really bad way too. I went out to Snohomish for a while last weekend just to check it out. I filled out a waiver and the DZO even asked me if I'd like to do some videos when my leg gets better. It seems like a really nice place to jump and the peeps were your typical, fun-loving, hardcore skydivin' types. I had to take off though. Considering the fact that I went skiing with my cast on two weeks after I broke my arm, I knew I would have jumped if I stayed there any longer. WAAAAAHHHHB|


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What was hard-core about us? Surely not the way I sit around with my rig on so I can run out to the plane if there's a hole. :P

You should have seen some of us in December and January. Wearing three layers all over and facemasks and stuff. That was great! :S


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