
My first grass/dirt stain on my rig....

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Hello --

During Perris P3 Big Way Camp, one of my landings was.... "exciting", and needlessly to say, I tumbled (accidentally semi-PLF style -- feet, knees, roll diagonally on back, and then back on my feet with no pain at all). No pain, not even a knee or funnybone bang, just a clean tumble. However, I got my first grass stain/dirt on the rig, which if you know Perris dirt, is pretty tough stuff.

It did scare me a little that landing was harder than expected in that flare unexpectedly didn't work as effectively as usual, even relative to jumps earlier in the day. And even when I wore a weight belt, I had other good landings. No door fear, no other major anxiety except typical nervousness of performing well, but I have some landing fear now for the last few landings. It's not going to stop me - just making me pay attention much more. In a way that's a good thing.

Always a good example of how a canopy can come back and 'bite' you even if you normally are reliable on your stand-up landings...

I hope I am right in assuming that it was just a confluence of Perris characteristics -- hotter and humider weather than I am used to, the different denisty altitude, turbulent wind patterns, and all with Perris being famous for that. And since my first contact in the ground was cracked dried mud, I believe I also tripped trying to begin a run out a less-effective-than-usual flare. And it may be how I staged my flare, that contributed to this. A basket of factors.

Any comments by others who have actually been in a similiar situation?

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Suck it up buttercup, welcome to the big shit.
At least you weren't on the 100way load that landed in a 5kt downwind the next weekend ;)

How big was the dust cloud from that one? ;)
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I was out there on Sunday, but not in the camp. Conditions were sort of different to me than normal..dust devils and turbulence were rolling right through dirt landing areas several times that day. However heat/humidity were sort of low as compared to what it is in summer. Ususally the dust devils are further east. Saw one of the big way jumps were everyone landed downwind, couldnt miss it as manifest announced it over the PA. Those big jumps look cool though....although scary...

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