
Vdschoor, Geno, GFD, "Byron Clan"

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Hey guys, just wanted to say it was very cool to finally meet ya in person ("gfd", i know we met before, but still!) in Hollister this weekend! Very cool people! I look forward to jumping w/ya'll soon soon soon!!! ;) Sorry I'll miss the "speedstar" thingy this weekend... :(

BTW, vdschoor, what is the name of that CD again???

Kari :)

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He Kari!

It was cool finally meeting you, indeed to bad you have to miss out on the speedstars :( But come tracking with us in July, I don't remember the exact date, but I'll post it on here later.

The name of that CD was Liquid Trance Clicky to Amazon for a cover image

Hope to see you again soon!

I'm not coming to Hollister anymore, you guys drink too much and turn off the music waaaaay too early :P

Just kidding of course, it was a great party.


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I'm not coming to Hollister anymore, you guys drink too much

You guys are a bunch of trouble makers... keeping us awake past our bedtime then waking us up at the crack of dawn.

All jokes aside it was cool seeing you guys again and meeting GFD. I can't wait to get to jump with you guys with my brand new A license B|

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I'm not coming to Hollister anymore, you guys drink too much

You guys are a bunch of trouble makers... keeping us awake past our bedtime then waking us up at the crack of dawn.

Don't blame the whole team for the screw up of 1 member girlie.. >:(
We had already told the mad snorer and sleep talker, sleep fighter that he had to bunk out in his truck.. but he felt all lonely I guess and snuggled up in the packing area, keeping the rest of the people awake..

B| Hollister better shape up for when we come down again.. :P

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I'm not coming to Hollister anymore, you guys drink too much

You guys are a bunch of trouble makers... keeping us awake past our bedtime then waking us up at the crack of dawn.

Don't blame the whole team for the screw up of 1 member girlie.. >:(
We had already told the mad snorer and sleep talker, sleep fighter that he had to bunk out in his truck.. but he felt all lonely I guess and snuggled up in the packing area, keeping the rest of the people awake..

B| Hollister better shape up for when we come down again.. :P

Ah, bring it on baby!! ;) I am NOT afraid!!! Next time I won't bail before dawn. :P

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Don't blame the whole team for the screw up of 1 member girlie.. >:(
We had already told the mad snorer and sleep talker that he had to bunk out in his truck..

Thanks for bailing on us and leaving the 2 girls to take the heat the next morning. >:( Some team...

Don't make me post the pictures....


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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B| Hollister better shape up for when we come down again.. :P


I sense the "old" me might have to come out of retirement for one night and show you kids how it's done! >:(B|

he he.. suuuure..
Andy after we're winded out in Byron: "Nah.. no beer for me.. "

WUSS!!! :P

Shape up, become a Cunning Linguist..
I am passing that damn test next weekend.. (or I'll pass out REALLY drunk)

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he he.. suuuure..
Andy after we're winded out in Byron: "Nah.. no beer for me.. "

WUSS!!! :P

Shape up, become a Cunning Linguist..
I am passing that damn test next weekend.. (or I'll pass out REALLY drunk)

You think I want to show the real me the first (Yes I said first :D !!) time I work at a new DZ?

Blog Clicky

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You think I want to show the real me the first (Yes I said first :D !!) time I work at a new DZ?

It's all good Andy. I've seen you in action and I'll let everyone know you aren't the wussy Iwan's making you out to be.

Too bad you went to bed early Sat. night. You could have put Craig on the roof and no one would have fought you...


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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You think I want to show the real me the first (Yes I said first :D !!) time I work at a new DZ?

It's all good Andy. I've seen you in action and I'll let everyone know you aren't the wussy Iwan's making you out to be.

Too bad you went to bed early Sat. night. You could have put Craig on the roof and no one would have fought you...

Yeah, I've seen Andy in action before.. this wasn't my first time in Hollister...
He was just beeing professional on Sunday.. He'll be fine in a couple of weeks :P

And Craig.. what should I say about that guy, he's bald that's what we found out Sat. night.. :S

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There was a lot of beer as usual. But that was gona fast. The bottle of Crown was downed quite quickly as well. I was expecting to see boobies....no...i saw a fucking bald nutsack instead. I wanted BOOBIES!!!!!!!! NO BALLS!!!! Next time please drink more, or at least pretend like you like drinking. Please show boobies, or at least pretend to like boobies. Can I get an AMEN FOR BOOBIES???!!!???!!

edited to say...this is a general post and not directed at Kari :)
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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