
Building up your alcohol tolerance

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Good times...
A few of us will be at the Cat Club tonight exercising our livers to the 80's everyone is invited I'll be there around 10:30.
By the way I will be at work at 9am (untill 1:30 AM) so "I have to work tomorrow is Not an excuse!"
Hard work and dedication is the only way to a liver of steel. Good luck Grasshopper.
"One flew East,and one flew West..............one flew over the cuckoo's nest"
"There's absolutely no excuse for the way I'm about to act"

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Good times...
A few of us will be at the Cat Club tonight exercising our livers to the 80's everyone is invited I'll be there around 10:30.
By the way I will be at work at 9am (untill 1:30 AM) so "I have to work tomorrow is Not an excuse!"
Hard work and dedication is the only way to a liver of steel. Good luck Grasshopper.

I have to fly to Rantoul tomorrow so I can't make it :P
Hey nice pic in Skydiving Magazine.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Now, I don't get this. If you can get blasted off two beers, that's a GOOD thing. It's cheaper, it won't destroy your liver, and you won't have as much of a hangover the next day. And you won't get as fat.

Ok let me clarify. The problem isn't getting blasted. I like that part. The problem is that if it happens too fast you're out for the night.

The trick is getting to the exact buzz you like and then HOLDING that buzz for the rest of the night. It's almost an art to keep from getting too drunk but also keep from sobering up. there's a point when you pass the point of being able to be drunk and no matter what you do you just can't get drunk. Almost like you hit a wall on ability to drink anymore. That horrible moment when you take a sip off your drink and realize... you're FULL and you just can't drink any more.

I like being on that tight rope between drunk and buzzed but that's a hard one to walk because you lose your good judgement and think you're only a little buzzed when really you're past buzzed and you shouldn't have had that extra shot of tequila....

I'm rambling.

Anyway, 1 more night...


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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The trick is getting to the exact buzz you like and then HOLDING that buzz for the rest of the night.

I know this buzz you speak of (beer, coffee and well what they heck ... pot). But I've never been able to maintain it for any period of time (like an entire night). For sure with coffee (and alcohol is similar) once you go overboard and have too much, the buzz no longer exists and is replaced with that icky, I went too far feeling. With pot, I find the initial buzz to be pleasant, but every subsequent round has lesser and lesser of an effect and eventually I'm just wasting the resources as well as myself.

Maybe pacing is the answer and I need to refine my techniques. Or maybe it's just an unobtainable pipe dream (maintaining the perfect buzz for the evening).

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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'Horrid taste of beer' ??????

Are you SURE you're a skydiver?

ACME nailed it. That IS blasphemy.

You like tequila, right?

Vinny the Anvil

LOL Yeah! What they said! I used to hate the taste of beer when I first started drinking it but that all changed once I realized Coors light isn't real beer. Once I made a few batches of it I learned how to appreciate it. Same thing with wine. Now after being in the wine business for 12 years I've learned somthing more... it takes a lot of beer to make good wine. :D

To be totally honest with ya I can't stand the taste of most hard alcohol by itself.. except for fine tequila.

Last night I managed to have a glass and a half of some really good Argentinian Malbec before sleep got the better of me.

LOL, nice! Looking forward to seeing this drinking prowness.... ;)

Drink Scotch with Mr. Kirlin for a night (he knows really, REALLY good scotch), and the relaxed, party to have fun, not get blasted thing actually feels pretty good.

For partying with Chuckie though, I need to grab a bottle of cheaper stuff....
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>That horrible moment when you take a sip off your drink and realize...
>you're FULL and you just can't drink any more.

Then walk around with two bottles - one water and one tequila. Tequila won't fill you up, and the water will help keep you from getting dehydrated and sick.

However, in the end there's no such thing as "keeping the exact same buzz." As soon as you start drinking, your liver starts converting alcohol to something nasty called acetaldehyde. This is helped along by the catalyst enzyme ADH. If you have a "fast" form of ADH (as many Asians do) then acetaldehyde will build up very fast; that makes you sick. If you have a very slow version of ADH, then ADH doesn't build up quickly, and you can drink longer without feeling bad.

Of course it gets more complicated after that. There's a second enzyme called ALDH that breaks down acetaldehyde into acetic acid, which your body has no problems with. So if you have a slow ADH and a fast ALDH process, you can drink a lot, feel OK, but it will take a long time to clear the alcohol out of your system. That's probably ideal. Most people have pretty good enzymes in both stages, which means you gradually accumulate acetaldehyde and thus feel a little sicker the more you drink. You can try to drink more to mask that feeling, but that's a losing battle after a while.

Then there's the MEOS metabolic pathway, which also breaks down alcohol. Bottom line in all of this is that as soon as you start drinking, you start all these intricate processes that have intermediate products that can build up, so you can't feel the same all night no matter what you do (unless you don't drink, but what fun is that?)

>My growler is empty.

Well, there's your real problem.

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However, in the end there's no such thing as "keeping the exact same buzz." As soon as you start drinking, your liver starts converting alcohol to something nasty called acetaldehyde. This is helped along by the catalyst enzyme ADH. If you have a "fast" form of ADH (as many Asians do) then acetaldehyde will build up very fast; that makes you sick. If you have a very slow version of ADH, then ADH doesn't build up quickly, and you can drink longer without feeling bad.

Of course it gets more complicated after that. There's a second enzyme called ALDH that breaks down acetaldehyde into acetic acid, which your body has no problems with. So if you have a slow ADH and a fast ALDH process, you can drink a lot, feel OK, but it will take a long time to clear the alcohol out of your system. That's probably ideal. Most people have pretty good enzymes in both stages, which means you gradually accumulate acetaldehyde and thus feel a little sicker the more you drink. You can try to drink more to mask that feeling, but that's a losing battle after a while.

Then there's the MEOS metabolic pathway, which also breaks down alcohol. Bottom line in all of this is that as soon as you start drinking, you start all these intricate processes that have intermediate products that can build up, so you can't feel the same all night no matter what you do (unless you don't drink, but what fun is that?)

Bill.. darlin you are overanalyzing this and killin my buzz. That was WAY more information than I needed...(reaches into the fridge and grabs another BLonde)

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OK, OK Winsor. I wasn't expecting a book reading from Alcoholics Anonymous. I was just being a little humorous. This weekend at the DZ when I am grilling steaks I will make three toasts for you and Betty and myself to the tune of George Thoroughgood's famous ballad. That would be in his words,"What do you mean its last call for alcohol? I'll have a one Bourbon, one scotch and one beeeeeerrrrr". Or was that the other way around?

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Gee, Bill, you didn't have to take all the fun out of it by giving us all the detail. Ignorance is bliss, remember?

Now I gotta go have a drink and hopefully forget all this stuff... Sheesh..

7CP#1 | BTR#2 | Payaso en fuego Rodriguez
"I want hot chicks in my boobies!"- McBeth

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George Thoroughgood's famous ballad...one Bourbon, one scotch and one beeeeeerrrrr

Dude, it's a John Lee Hooker tune, and it ain't a stinkin' ballad, it's the blues! Yea!
-There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.

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I have somehow become a cheap drunk.
Where did I go wrong?

Umm theres something wrong w/ that? damm. I HATE that for you!!! :o:D
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>Gee, Bill, you didn't have to take all the fun out of it by giving us all the detail.

Ah, but once you know the detail, you can work on correcting the problem. Acetaldehyde is a pretty powerful oxidant, and antioxidants (like vitamin C) can help you feel less shitty the next day. B-vitamin complexes and cysteine help your liver process alcohol and its byproducts. Also, acetaldehyde gets flushed out of your blood in a similar way that alcohol does, so if you drink a lot of water (and pee a lot) it helps - especially since alcohol is a diuretic and will dehydrate you unless you overcompensate.

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