
Waiting On The Name

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Does anyone else get that sick-to-their-stomach feeling when there's a fatality and the name isn't released right away? Granted I haven't been in this sport long, but I've jumped at 7 different dropzones in 4 states, and all I can think is, "what if that was one of my friends". I already know it was one of my brothers. [:/] Stay safe this weekend guys. Happy Friday.


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Yes, I get that feeling. I have that feeling now,
If it was one of my very close friends, I would get a call. But I've met so many people skydiving that I bond with instantly and when we run into each other at some boogie a year or so down the road it's like we've been friends forever, but often I don't keep in touch with them in between. I know many jumpers at CK. One of the people I hold dearest is there but I know it's not her and I'm not going to call because I imagine she'll have enough to deal with as it is. In many ways it doesn't matter who because it's still one of our family and there are people who are going to be devastated by this, but it's human nature to hope you don't know the person and have to come to terms with the fact that someone who has enriched your life at some point will not be there to do it again.

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I know how you feel ( sort of ). When Adria had her accident, I was on a load about half way up to altitude and the pilot said no ladning on the grass, there was an accident. No one knew who was hurt. There was someone on her load that I care a lot about and I couldn't wait to get down to the ground.

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I feel you. I know a lot of people who jump at Cross Keys and Christiaan knows even more. We wouldn't necessarily get a call because they're not "best friends" just people we know and love from boogies, etc.

I'm going to feel sick-ish until I know it's not a few people in particular. Does that sound terrible that I'll be relieved it's not one of my friends? I barely knew Adria but just the fact that I knew her, that I could really identify with her, that I love Frida and Curt so much and that they're in so much pain, just tweaked me hugely...

Does this resonate with anyone or am I horrible for feeling that way?


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I know a lot of people who jump...We wouldn't necessarily get a call because they're not "best friends" just people we know and love from boogies, etc.

Exactly. I can name off ten people who could have been at CrossKeys yesterday maybe only one or two of whom anyone would call me if something happened to them.


Does this resonate with anyone or am I horrible for feeling that way?

I know what you're saying. Like, I'm sitting here hoping to God it's not someone I know, but the bottom line is, someone is dead. It shouldn't matter if I knew them or not. [:/]


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