
scariest jumps?

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I've never thought i should have stayed in the plane but jump #32, my first cutaway (low speed) was pretty scary.

The other one didn't involve a plane. It was my first jump off of the legal span. Climbing over the rail was f**king scary.

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Hold the hell up. the people at the dz let you get up after that? i would have pinned your ass to the ground as gently as i could and waited for the paramedics!!!

no no no.. they did put me on a backboard and I took a little ride to the hospital and all.. I jsut didnt break anything and was able to walk away pretty much unscathed (other than being really soar and having a nice chunk taken out of my forhead)

and aggie... maybe next time we meet should be up there instead of down here in hosuton.. hopefully that will change things :)
this space for rent.

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My scariest was my last jump. Rolled out of the skyvan hanging onto the bar, realized I'd messed up my shoulder, and let go. Held a pretty good sit until about 6K, then rolled onto belly. OUCH! Deployed my canopy, then spent the next couple of minutes trying to figure out how I'm going to land with one arm. Tried both 2 handed and one handed (both toggles in 1 hand) flares up high, decided to go with the 2 handed option. Hit the ground hard but managed to avoid further injury. Went to the emergency room where they popped my dislocated shoulder back in. Out for another 2 months [:/]

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I don't always understand the possible repercussions about my jumps and "what could have happened" to me...

For my 24th jump I did my first pack job under supervision- and later jumped it- during deployment the pilot chute became unattached to the main chute and floated away(never found it either).

Later when I told the Satefy dude at our DZ about it (when I took my A Test with him), he looked incredibly serious and solemnly told me that the worse case scenario could've ended up
with a total mal and with me needing to pull my reserve- because the pilot was not attached to the main!

Even tho the jump turned out OK, It really shook me, even tho it was like DAYS LATER- that I didn't know- nor did any body really drive home the seriousness of what had occured during that deployment malfunction.

A reserve ride on my first solo AND first pack job would've made me think twice about if I really believe in omens and signs and all that kinda thing!


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Jump 12, solo

went to pull at 5000, very nervous, twisted during pull, started flat spin. had there/square canopy but with severe line twists. took about 8 good kicks to get them out. had good main at 4,200.

"You did what?!?!"

MUFF #3722, TDSM #72, Orfun #26, Nachos Rodriguez

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