
What did you all think of The Village?

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How did they afford to pay the government off to make it a no fly zone?

The ranger who finds the blind girl mentions that the wildlife preserve is a no fly zone because the planes disturb the animals.
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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The ranger who finds the blind girl mentions that the wildlife preserve is a no fly zone because the planes disturb the animals.

and the boss says that their use to be rumours that the govt. was paid off to make it a no fly zone.

now when ivy's father told her how to get to town, he said you will find a secret road.......how the fuck would a blind girl know what a road felt like let alone knowing what a road is when she has never been out of the village before to know that roads even exist?

I has wished that this movie would turn out to show them living in a different world where creatures ran the world and they were the only humans living there and they were captured and placed in a zoo. Or, I was looking forward to seeing a little glass box with them and the woods in sitting on top of some massive creatures table even.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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This guy has been disappointing. I live in his hometown, a suburb of Philly. I wish I could brag about that.

Warning, there are some spoilers.

The Sixth Sense was awesome.* Outstanding. Luckily I didn't even know there was a twist, so I enjoyed it even more. To be honest I thought it was bad until the twist happened (the wedding ring dropped onto the floor). I saw it two more times after that to see how many references there were and how well they were hidden. He wrote it extremely well. I still think it's one of the best movies of the last couple years. Great acting, great story, great dialogue.

Unbreakable. Ehh. Great acting, cool storyline, but it never did much for me.

Signs. I loved this one at first. First class acting from every one of the main characters, especially the two youngest kids. MNS' cameo was perfect. He played that character exceptionally well. It was scary in the right parts, touching in the right parts, and even the dumb parts of the dialogue (Swing Away!) were okay because they fit in with the plot. This was one of those movies that, even though you know there's a twist, it's still a surprising movie. Now on to the twist: It was a phenomenal, unexpected, shocking twist. One of the best twists ever........EXCEPT THAT IT WAS ALREADY USED!!! I can't be the only one to notice that it's exactly the same twist that H.G. Wells used in War of the Worlds in 1953. Aliens come to take over earth. Just as they're about to succeed, we find out that there's something about earth that they can't handle. In one movie it's germs, in the other it's water. And speaking of water......if you're an alien about to take over a planet, and you know that H20 can hurt you, why would you invade a planet that is mostly water, inhabited by beings who are 75% water, without wearing protective gear? It's embarassing that we almost lost to them.

The Village. I had zero expectations of enjoying this movie. But it was good until the stupid twist at the end. It was essentially a 110 minute long movie that should have been a 22 minute Twilight Zone episode. Clever, but not worth the marketing they threw at it.

In his next movie, I hope the twist is that there is no twist. That'll be surprising.

*And it helped continue Bruce Willis' tradition of starring in movies with numbers in them.
First Deadly Sin
Four Rooms
Fifth Element
Sixth Sense
Lucky Number Slevin (that's what it's called)
Whole Nine Yards
Whole Ten Yards
Twelve Monkeys
Ocean's Twelve


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