
My conversation with PDF today

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Wow!! What an eventful couple of days.

There was me going head to head with The Von,
Then me going at it, with anyone else who wanted some.
Then me putting up a Website www.parachutedefrance.com , with some fact and some fairy land fiction.

What next you may ask?

I just spoke to one of the guys from PDF, he'd been told about my new website today, and thought some of it was funny, some of it was fact, some of it was obscure.

We had a good long discussion, I let him know who I was, he did not go mental, I told him why I was angry, He let me know that he read some of the web pages and saw the truth was there, I said he did not really live in a bubble, but I was fairly sure his delivery driver was the half man half horse person on my website.

He's a nice chap.

He apologised and let me know what went wrong, and in what order, and what prevented him from making personal apologies to all the people involved, buyers, dealers, in-betweeners.

We talked about my rig, we both agreed that my rig was really well made, but the canopy colour was awful.

He's going to put together a piece for some of the magazines, explaining what happened, what went wrong, and dare I say it an apology for the fiasco.
I think that is cool.

That’s positive reinforcement.

I'm going to update the website, and change some of the bits, just so it’s a bit more balanced.

As a warning though.
I expect you to follow through with this, don't make a liar out of me, I’m counting on you B. Don't make me open a can of "whoop ass"

The fucker did not even offer me a free t-shirt.

I will be invoicing PDF for my time!!

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