
Free flatscreens!

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I'm sure you guys have seen the free I-Pod offers, free laptop offers, etc. Well tonight, I was looking on e-bay and found one that linked to a site giving away free flat screen TVs. The catch being that you have to complete a short survey and sign up with a participating client. There are a few that you can complete for free that I saw, but one of them also happened to be a Columbia House membership, which is something I've wanted to sign up for for a while, so I did that.

To be able to receive the free 19" flat screen (there are a few you can choose from, actually), you have to complete one offer and refer 8 people who each complete one offer. My referal link is: http://www.FreeFlatScreens.com/?r=15785106, so if any of you are interested in this, please use me as your referrer.

I'm going to assume this is legit (I read the entire legal document they offer and it looks to be on the up and up), but you never know. I do know of people who have received free I-pods and/or laptops through offers like this, however.

If you are still skeptical, I can give you more information via PM.



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Didn't think this would classify as advertising. If so, I apologize. The Columbia House thing was like 5 DVDs for $.49 and then you have to buy another 5 in the next two years. Some of the free ones were like requesting information from colleges or weight loss programs.

I'm beginning to wonder if it is legit though, since I have still not received a confirmation e-mail from them (and I was expecting to be flooded with spam by now because of this). I guess time will tell. If you DO happen to do the survey thing using me as a referrer, please let me know so that I can keep track of how many I actually have. Right now, it is still listing zero.



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I've tried contacting them several times about verifying my account, with no success. I've consistently gotten automated responses and/or lies from their customer service people.

It appears that this service is a scam (which figures). Have any of you tried signing up also? If so, what was your experience?



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This is funny- after I sent them a very rude e-mail, I get a curt but polite response, and my account is suddenly where it should be. Maybe it IS legit. If any of you are still thinking of trying it, the url is: http://www.FreeFlatScreens.com/?r=15785106.

If you complete the survey, let me know, I'd like to keep an eye on it and make sure these people aren't ripping people off.



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I'm sure you guys have seen the free I-Pod offers, free laptop offers, etc.

"free" is marketting speak which means the company generates more revenue directly from the offers you and your "friends" accept than they would selling the item directly to you.

It also means their advertising reaches people who wouldn't otherwise see it, often taking the form of spam.

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