
Reflex info

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I am currently looking at buying a reflex, and i have been sent pictures and everything looks great. I kinda thought that the yoke looked a bit wide for me in a few of the pics, but the seller tells me it should fit fine, ive got part numbers and serial numbers, does anyone hear know the different sizes for the reflex, or the best way of finding out what size person that rig is intended to fit? Id appreciate any feedback, thanks guys
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If memory serves, that SB became just about an industry-wide SB and it's resultant solution is now the grommet standard for any rigger inspection.
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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If memory serves, that SB became just about an industry-wide SB and it's resultant solution is now the grommet standard for any rigger inspection.

Before James Martin thundered in, customers grumbled about me resetting grommets (on most types of rigs).
After the Reflex Service Bulletin, they stopped grumbling.

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Hi Rob, Terry,

Whew... that's been what 10-ish years now?
Am I mistaken in thinking that pretty much all the H/C manufacturers went to the added thickness under the grommet in an SB?
Going strictly off memory and the Martin shock wave here.
I think skydivers on 3 continents were testing their grommets about 8 seconds after it happened.

Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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I'm not so sure they added thickness on purpose. Seems like more stainless gromments showed up instead of nickle plated brass. They seem to set tighter and not loosen as easily.

I still have my feeler guage in the rigger kit.;)

But I don't have any rigs in front of me and have had a hard morning. I'm rambling.

Rob, you'll know better than I.

BTW Mick (you listening?) seemed to have issues with canopy sizes.:S Mine had to get rebuilt for the canopies I specified. (7 day turnaroundB|) I have a couple at home right now trying to decide if I want to buy them. One is supposed to hold a Raven II reserve (yep) and a zp 9 cell 190 main. According to the sizing chart NO WAY Maybe a 170 tight. The other one was supposed to be built for a Raven I and a Triathlon 190 but it's the same size as mine built for a 170 and the 190 isn't going in it either. GRRRRRRR>:( Both are new, never jumped.:( Guess I'm going to have to lose weight.

I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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