
Any programmers here

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Its a cannot access a disposed object named MyForm error.

Well, then that is not so much C# as just a general MS form error.

As mailin says, its seems that you are trying to get to a form which is destroyed.

Any code we can see where the error is occurring?
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Why would you want to access a destroyed object?

'cause she's hot! D'uh. Geez, I thought C programmers knew everything. Atleast the ones I knew thought they knew everything because they were C programmers.:D
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Currently writing some stuff with the .NET 2.0 framework and the Whidbey Beta.

ooh very nice! I'm jealous!

I'm going over legacy code to bring everything that was in VB 6 into C# and adding security features to our SQL statements at the moment. But I got my frist big project last week. Its involving alot of SQL (remember me bugging you about SQL? :ph34r:) and I'm loving it.

I may be spending alot of time in northern FL come June too - we may be getting a big contract down there ;)

They've offered me a job which I may take, which would mean not moving to GA [:/] Lots of thinking to do...

Arianna Frances

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I'm going over legacy code to bring everything that was in VB 6 into C# and adding security features to our SQL statements at the moment. But I got my frist big project last week. Its involving alot of SQL (remember me bugging you about SQL? ) and I'm loving it.


Drop me a PM with the details, and if you ever need any SQL help just let me know.

Performance Designs Factory Team

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