
Frankenass on Discovery..

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I caught a pretty good interview w/ Tim Bernard yesterday on Discovery Sports Disasters. It had all the footage from the infamous hanger swoop @ Rantoul as well as some of Tim's other (tamer) swoops. It was definatly done decent. Don't know when it will re-air but it was the first segment shown and lasted a couple of minutes.

It's Jimmy Time!!

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dangit. I still haven't seen the tv show "I'm Still Alive" piece on it either.

Was it on the regular Discover channel that I get or one of the more specialized discover channels that I don't get?

I'm not usually a fan of people putting crash footage on tv, but Tim admits he was attempting a rare stunt and he made the mistake. And he's said he's going to use all the money he gets from it for devon's college fund.


btw, Hi Chris!

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Hey Lew!!!

Ya it was on the regular Discovery Channel. On my cable guide the show discription only explained the Tim's accident to a tee. So I knew what it was I just thought it was going to be longer then a couple of minutes. There was only one part where they switched things around. When Tim was in freefall tracking past the cloud they edited in his voice that said "I am about @ 1000ft" Then he deploys. But other then that he was like yep I screwed up and I'm luck I'm not paralised or dead. If anyone ever see's Tim first off buy his video then sit down and have a couple of beers with him. The stories he will tell ya will make you raise an eyebrow -- but if you have watched his DVD you know there all straight.

It's Jimmy Time!!

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