
Why is heartbreak so hard to deal with?

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It hurts in a place that you can't use stitches, the Doc can't give you and pill to stop the pain, and the internal damage can't be measured.[:/]
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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And josh...that is by far the best song ever and like you said, I cannot wait to look whoever I marry in the eyes and say that to him

ditto kiddo, I love me some rascal flatts, even though my cd player is dominated by breaking benjamin and jimmy eat world right now:)

Ahh, what a wonderful world.

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Nothing really seems to make it better, although time makes it hurt less.....

That just hit the nail on the head.

The love will never go away, it will just take a different shape with time. I'm learning this the hard way and I can honestly say that I am far enough along to think of the experience as truly beautiful. Even if the ending was not what I was anticipating.

Time heals all. Hang in there. :)

Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity!

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I apologize for being very late to this thread, but mayhaps this will help someone in the future...

Think about it, seriously,for a moment. Do you really want to be with someone who thinks that way? Ever? Even for a brief amount of time?

I would hope not. Yes, I'm new here, but you're still special, much more special than anyone who thinks that* could possibly be.

It hurts now. But I've learned--and this is my own experience talking--that thinking about those--be they men, women, friends, romantic interest, whatever-- who don't want to be in a relationship with me because it's not "worth it," simply because they didn't find me "worth it," is expending more energy than I have available, period.

There are two things for you to remember, darling:
1. You are worth so much.
2. Any guy who cannot see how much you are worth is not worth you; do you really want to deal/date someone who doesn't see what you're worth? You're worth so much more than someone saying they "don't want to be with you," regardless of the reason.

It has been a long night, and I'm not certain any of this is clear. Please, PM me if you ever need to, or any of the other ones who have made it clearer how much you're worth.

And remember, you're worth so much more than any guy can ever articulate.

*THAT in this case being that you're not worth

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