
Tube Stoes question

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Sweet I'll look around and order some tonight and report back with some feedback once I've tinkered with it all.

If you have any other advice it'd greatly appreciated!

Buy just small amount in some local shop and try it.
Its a compromise: if it too soft it breaks to easily, if it too stiff hard to make it. Silicone tend to soften up after first deployment.

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I found a variety of sizes, colors, etc. on McMaster-Carr's website. We order all sorts of industrial products from them on a regular basis. Check Part number 5041K13 or just search for silicon tubing to see all the options. Most of them appeared to be about $.90 per foot. That puts your tube stows at WELL under $1 each.

In order to glue the two ends together, I'd suggest Sumo glue from the Loctite family. It bonds well with most types of rubber and other flexible materials.

Now all you need is a fixture to hold one end of the tube open while you jam the other end in with glue on it. I'm thinking a 4-pronged spreader of some kind would work nicely.

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While i don't own a Racer, it has been around a loong,long time, so it can't suck that bad. If you have been around 40 years or so,,then you have good product. It just may be what Brad Pitt and Angolina may want ...B|;)

Military does extensive testing also, what do they use and why ?

smile, be nice, enjoy life
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Well I just ordered some 6x2x2mm and some 8x4x2mm from them. I'll play with them and see what I can do when they get here. Those were the only close sizes I could find to Phoenix's recommendations.
108 way head down world record!!!
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Just got the tubes in from McMaster. Initial impression: the 8x4x2mm is too big. The 6x2x2 may work, but is a bit stiff even though I got the softest grade silicone tubing available in these sizes on the site. I'll see what I can do with it.
108 way head down world record!!!
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