
I made my first official student fuckup today [laugh]

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I didn't get my helmet's chin strap done up all the way on my 2nd jump off the day, so it was pulling and trying to come off most of the jump, and when I threw the PC (first jump on a throwout rig!) it finally came off. I looked up and watched it go, and thought a couple seconds later "Shit, I should have fabric by now", turns out I was so distracted by the helmet fiasco, I never let go of the PC! Tossed it, and got a clean opening.. :D:D

Ending up with (yet another) stand up landing though, so it ended well. No sign of the helmet after a 45 minute search though. Kidnapped by angels, no doubt.
cavete terrae.

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I did that on my 15th or so jump, forgot to snap the snappy thing. It stayed on until right after i pulled the ripcord (oh yea, i had a ripcord baby.) Someone found it in the airport parking lot and returned it :)

HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
"Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

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I think it was my 14th jump, still on student status. I was trying to work on my tracking. So end of the jump i start tracking at like 5k and count to ten then come out into my arch and look at my alti (since learned to look at the damn thing while tracking) saw i was at 2200 feet and dumped while i was moving forward. Got slammed and then got a nice talking to from one of the instructors that saw me open way low.:$:$
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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I got out on a speed star (from 7600ft) this weekend with my Z1 closed face helmut open (short lag between red and greenlight...)

and I watched a video of someones shoe come off in a FreeFly jump... it was actually found later and returned to the DZ... :D
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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It seems to happen to alot of us in one way or another.
I've know 2 people recently that have lost their full face helmets on opening( and got them back).
both were $290 plus audible alti's... they both hit and were fine.
I jumped out and at 6,000 realized I did'nt tighten down my Oxygn helmet with 2 audibles in it ($654 total) I got it tight just before pulling.
# weeks ago in a speed jump at 241 mph, my face shield tore off because I forgot to tape down the topB|
..new face shield and gaffer's tape= 266mph last Sat and NO problem:)
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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I forgot to close my Z1 visor the last time I jumped. I made sure I secured the back and the chin strap, got one of the most thorough pin checks ever (to include all my straps, the reserve, and the three rings), made sure I gave enough time in the door, and set up with my visor not clicked in. :$

Luckily, the rest of the folks on the plane noticed before I jumped...and all was set right! :)
Now if they could only yell at me to remind me to flare all the way before I hit the ground....:S
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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Gotta love the Z1 - AFF4 I didn't catch it, the camera flyer didn't catch it, the AFFI didn't catch it - Check in - Check Out - Prop - Out -In - Step - BINGO! Open Visor.

AFFI Flipped me and tried to close it - Got back on my belly - finally got it shut and completed the dive flow by 8000 including a forward motion half roll with standing layout recovery (I don't know how just got on my back arched and recovered). Thanks King Air for the 15k exit.

In real time the video is funny, in slo-mo a beautiful thing to watch.

Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.

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