
7 Cell Vs. 9 Cell?

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Hello, I am relatively low numbered jumper ( A Licensed) and wanting to buy my first rig. I would like a little help deciding between a 7 and 9 cell canopy. I'd like relatively soft openings and a deep flair. No intentions on swooping or high performance landings. Eventually when I have enough jump numbers I'd like to fly a wingsuit, but I've got several hundred jumps before that happens. So for now I'd like either a Infinity container or a Javelin with either PD Sabre2 or a PD Storm (or equivalent). I was unsure of the flight characteristics between the two and which would be best for me. I weigh 155 lbs and I plan on flying a 190. Which is what I've been jumping since my 10th STP jump. Any help is appreciated.



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I'd have to agree with Pilotdave...demo demo demo. Try a few different docile canopies.
As far as 7 v 9, I would say 9 but that's just my humble opinion and I'm not all that experienced myself. I know a lot of jumpers who love their Spectres (7 cell). I loved my Triathlon that I jumped when I started until I tried a 9 cell. They have so much more lift on landings. Idon't know all the technical details, but I really like how a 9 cell lands as opposed to a 7. And depending on the canopy they can still give nice soft openings.

You will probably get plenty of opinions, but what it comes down to is personal preference. Demo, demo, demo.
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Agree with the demo, demo ---

I have quite a few jumps on a Spectre, liked it fine, but like my 9 cell Pilot much much more. Nice sofe openings, good flare, responsive, just a nice canopy, and would be good for wingsuit flying too I think.

"We saved your gear. Now you can sell it when you get out of the hospital and upsize!!" "K-Dub"


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I myself had trouble with the 7 cell canopies when it came to landing but what can I say....I am retarded. I love my 9 cell...it treats me well, with nice openings. And everyone has given you the best advice in the world...Demo...Demo...Demo.
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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