
mcdonalds weight loss

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I work parttime in a McDonalds and it is the cleanest one around! I do maintenace there (as in cleaning)
I get compliments all the time from elders that eat there daily.
And I also help on delivery there when the truck shows up..the food is safe and quality as far as I can see..

I guess I work in one of the better ones.

Basically the only thing I really dislike there is some customers..ours is across the street from HS..lots of graffitti and rude teens.
I filter the fryers everynight! Change once a week.

Can't say "I'm loving it" tho, gets tiring and people
customers treat ya like your stupid..little do they know I make ~$600+ amonth extra income there.

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After Super Size Me, some woman went 30 days at McDs and lost weight.

It's not just about losing weight...thats why there are such an obscene number of fad diets that don't work in the long run. It is about eating smart and in moderation, coupled with a halfway decent fitness plan, that will allow you to lose weight, keep it off, and maintain a healthy body. People get this tunnel vision on "weight" and don't care about how what they are doing affects their bodies.

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(to be serious: the bottom line IS they are out for the almighty dollar, which is why they DO give a rat's ass about the consumer! and you can post that on www.no_shit_sherlock.com;))

The consumers wallet maybe...
If they cared about the consumer they would offer food that is not overly processed and genetically modified, food that is capable of being eaten on a regular basis without causing ill effects to the person who eats it.

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or they could just let the consumer use their own common sense and understanding of dietary balance and moderation. In which case I see nothing wrong with stopping in at McD's every once in awhile. You can enjoy a McD's meal as long as the majority of your diet is healthy & balanced. McD's should not have to hold your hand or be required to supply ALL of your daily dietary needs.

In short, I don't see anything wrong with what McDs sells. If some people over-indulge in fast food, that's their own fault for not using their brains.
Speed Racer

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or they could just let the consumer use their own common sense and understanding of dietary balance and moderation...

And thats a big part of the problem...how many people really understand or have a decent amount of common sense about dietary balance and moderation? We have about 9 million people in the US who can't even read, how are they supposed to know that this stuff that looks, smells and tastes good is actually bad for them?

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And thats a big part of the problem...how many people really understand or have a decent amount of common sense about dietary balance and moderation? We have about 9 million people in the US who can't even read, how are they supposed to know that this stuff that looks, smells and tastes good is actually bad for them?

We've been coddling the morons long enough. Time for self determination.

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Hehe...no kidding. It just makes me sad that we can have such brilliant individuals but then as a society be so dumb. We have such untapped power as a society but are completely unable to harness it.

Oh well...let them eat what they will, but I'm not putting that shit in my body.

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just realised the scales were out of wack:P

no, i did lose it, and i ate about a quater pounder and a big mac a day. The reason i was on this food each day was because my teeth are killing me and mcdonalds food is soft, hot and right next to the dz.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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I work parttime in a McDonalds and it is the cleanest one around! I do maintenace there (as in cleaning)
I get compliments all the time from elders that eat there daily.

Gary - it's too bad that not all of the franchises have someone around like you. I think that more could, if they'd be willing to pay more than illegal immigrant wages to their employees--and it looks like your store does ... which brings me to speculate that you work for a licensee store, rather than one run by the corporation.

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We've been coddling the morons long enough. Time for self determination

I TOTALLY agree. . .I am sorry but I am just tired of the world changing because people can't think for themselves. . .duh. . .

Please don't let me get on my soapbox. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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