
I Got Help - Nothing Went Wrong

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I don't have video of the whole jump, sorry. I don't actually *have* video of anything at all. One of my instructors shot video of my second jump totally unbeknownst to me (yeah - so self absorbed that I failed to notice the strangely shaped helmet she was wearing...) I watched it after the jump a couple of times with her to go over some things I did/didn't do.

Just to make sure that there is no confusion - my boobs did not actually make a daylight appearance. I was wearing a bra and a tshirt and a jumpsuit. They escaped the bra only. I've no doubt that if I landed in a manner in which they were able to escape the bra, shirt and jumpsuit that I wouldn't have lived to tell the tale.

Either that or I have go-go-gadget boobs of steel.

(I don't.)

There's no way I would jump off a moving swing. I bit completely through my tongue when I was about 5 or 6 doing that. My toes curl just thinking about that.

I'm glad that you explained that your first pack job and first cutaway weren't on the same day. :P

If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

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You say some seriously funny stuff. :D

I wouldn't be the first if I did have first pack & first cutaway on the same jump though.


:o Please don't even think of trying that. Practice with an Instructor only. They'll show you the right way to PLF and more importantly keep you from getting hurt . . .

NickD :)

I've done it before but not when I was skydiving & not to practice PLFs! :D This is why I made a point of saying that I was no instructor!

What's the line about being stupid but tough? ;).

Thanks Nick. :)

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I wish I had go go gadget boobs of steel :S Gravity is great for skydiving, not so great for very large and getting old boobs.

I did see mine in freefall once when they escaped both a bra and a tank top. That was surreal. I didn't even realize it until my husband was laughing his ass off in freefall, pointing at me, and mouthing 'boobies'. He was trying to fly over to grab 'em but was laughing too hard to fly right.:)

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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I wish I had go go gadget boobs of steel :S Gravity is great for skydiving, not so great for very large and getting old boobs.

I did see mine in freefall once when they escaped both a bra and a tank top. That was surreal. I didn't even realize it until my husband was laughing his ass off in freefall, pointing at me, and mouthing 'boobies'. He was trying to fly over to grab 'em but was laughing too hard to fly right.:)


See, husbands do like it! ;)

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What's the line about being stupid but tough?

If you're gonna be dumb, you'd better be tough.

Try a running jump off the picnic table for a PLF. Have an instructor demonstrate first.
I've messed up and downwinded the landing. It was ugly and painful, but the PLF allowed me to get up and get laughed at, not carted away in the ambulance.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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What's the line about being stupid but tough?

If you're gonna be dumb, you'd better be tough.

My bad, "if you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough"
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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I think PLF practice is something I will NOT ignore! In fact, I am designing a modified "Zip Line" for PLF practice. Up a small ladder to an angled Zip wire with a "T-Bar" handle to hang on to, then off ya go, sliding rapidly down the line and toward the ground. Let go, and PLF at various speeds and heights.

I did a "Butt Plant" on my Cat A, as the radio dude was distracted talking to someone, and I had learned to wait for the flare call, which came WAY too late! My Coccyx was screwed. Still is, a bit. Now I am aware that it is MY dive, and I am responsible for all of it, including the flare and landing!

My last dive, I had no radio contact (what's with these radios, anyway?), but realized it, flew the pattern, and came in myself ..... needed to wait a bit longer after the "Stage" (half brakes) portion to full flare, but managed to land on my feet and almost running it out.

SHOULD have PLF'd that one! Did a knees-to-faceplant slide, luckily in soft sand! Had that been on a runway, or harder ground, I would have erased half my face sliding in! D'Oh!

PLFs, Baby! They're what's for breakfast! Practice, practice, practice!

Now, if I could just find a way to get these old legs under control in freefall ........(toe taps?)
Live deliberately; Dare greatly; Land gently
SOS 1304, POPS 10695, DS 118

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Now, if I could just find a way to get these old legs under control in freefall ........(toe taps?)

Oh how I wish I had a copy of the video that was shot of my last jump. It might make you feel better about your feet. At the very least, it would have you laughing until you cry.

One of my instructors was, while in freefall with me, trying to figure out how to tell me to fix the funky thing I was doing with my feet but couldn't. She instead got a good shot with the video of them so she could ask me later what the hell I was doing.

Imagine putting your hands together, palm to palm, like you are praying. Now imagine doing that with your feet - sole to sole - while in freefall. Now picture it with brightly colored stripey socks on skinny ankles and black and white checkered shoes on big feet. Retarded clown feet is what you get.

It looks like I broke both ankles on the way out of the plane. I had no idea I was doing it.

It reminds me of my days as a dog trainer. Puppies, a lot of times, haven't a clue that they have back legs. The front ones go and the back ones magically follow. This doesn't become an issue until they try to go up stairs the first time. They walk up with their front legs and stretch waaay out; confused about why the back ones are still planted firmly at the bottom.

I was told that, at least, I've got my legs even. Even if I do look like I have praying mantis legs.

Another friend of mine told me to try laying on the floor in the arch and have someone set a plate on my feet so I could balance it there. Maybe that could help?
If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

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Now, if I could just find a way to get these old legs under control in freefall ........(toe taps?)

Oh how I wish I had a copy of the video that was shot of my last jump. It might make you feel better about your feet. At the very least, it would have you laughing until you cry.

One of my instructors was, while in freefall with me, trying to figure out how to tell me to fix the funky thing I was doing with my feet but couldn't. She instead got a good shot with the video of them so she could ask me later what the hell I was doing.

Imagine putting your hands together, palm to palm, like you are praying. Now imagine doing that with your feet - sole to sole - while in freefall. Now picture it with brightly colored stripey socks on skinny ankles and black and white checkered shoes on big feet. Retarded clown feet is what you get.

It looks like I broke both ankles on the way out of the plane. I had no idea I was doing it.

It reminds me of my days as a dog trainer. Puppies, a lot of times, haven't a clue that they have back legs. The front ones go and the back ones magically follow. This doesn't become an issue until they try to go up stairs the first time. They walk up with their front legs and stretch waaay out; confused about why the back ones are still planted firmly at the bottom.

I was told that, at least, I've got my legs even. Even if I do look like I have praying mantis legs.

Another friend of mine told me to try laying on the floor in the arch and have someone set a plate on my feet so I could balance it there. Maybe that could help?

Disclaimer - Im not an instructor ;)

But it defo helps if you get say a long bench like a piano stool...put it in front of a tall mirror and then get into a good arch.
its hard work at first until your muscles get used to it but when I did AFF I practised every day for 2 weeks and got my legs, feet etc perfect.

Also, the tunnel is a great tool for 'feeling' how your body should be in the air

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Also, the tunnel is a great tool for 'feeling' how your body should be in the air

A tunnel. I dream of one. I live in a place that needs a tunnel desperately - the rain sodden, chronically overcast Pacific Northwest.

Here were a method of practicing indoors would be a valuable investment... Nope. I have to go to someplace like Nevada or Arizona or SoCal so I can get out of the rain and go indoors to practice... :P

Anyone know how much it would cost me up front to build my own wind tunnel?
If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

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If you contact SkyVentures I think you can get investment info. Go check the tunnel forum, I think there might be a thread about that in there somewhere.

You made me laugh again with your leg form LadiDadi - funny stuff. : )

I tried sitting & a tracking dive on the weekend. My sit is hilarious because I can get stable but as long as I don't do anything else, then I go into a crazy spin and have to ball up. A friend of mine has video that I'm hoping to post, mainly for comic value. The tracking dive was pretty bad too, I can track really well but I'm not very good at matching levels yet.

There's always something to learn. : )

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Somehow I don't think that my husband would let me tear down half of the house to put up a wind tunnel. Even if I had the cash laying around.

I'll see if I can re-create my funky mantis feet position and have someone take a picture of it and I'll post it just for laughs. I need more laughs today...

Please - send laughs!!
If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

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I did the AFF 1 and 2 that is discussed in this thread.

Then the weather turned to shit - rain and wind.

Then the first nice day we get I was planning on going but some random stranger had different plans for me (breaking into my house and valdalism, etc. - the story is in the Women's section of the boards if you want to read yet another Ladi Dadi sob story).

Next day with sun, I shall put on every article of clothing I own (and probably still freeze to death) and go jump out of a plane over and over and over again.

I promise!!!
If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

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Also, the tunnel is a great tool for 'feeling' how your body should be in the air

A tunnel. I dream of one. I live in a place that needs a tunnel desperately - the rain sodden, chronically overcast Pacific Northwest.

Here were a method of practicing indoors would be a valuable investment... Nope. I have to go to someplace like Nevada or Arizona or SoCal so I can get out of the rain and go indoors to practice... :P

Anyone know how much it would cost me up front to build my own wind tunnel?

There's a tunnel just a bit south east of San Francisco talk your Hubby into a long romantic weekend and share an hour in the "wind" tunnel

they say about 4 mil to buy a Sky Venture setup. I'm plotting to build one out of things from crackerjack boxes:)
John Fosgate
"In the end, its always best to choose the hard right over the easy wrong." LouDiamond
MB 4310

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Well, I am lucky enough to have a great Wind Tunnel near me .... I am actually attending a RW Camp in the tunnel in a week, with two of the best fliers (Nat'l 4-way competitors, load orgs, Super Fliers) NEXT WEEK!

That should serve me well during the end of AFF!
Live deliberately; Dare greatly; Land gently
SOS 1304, POPS 10695, DS 118

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