
3am and I'm afraid to close my eyes

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I had too much to drink tonight. :( Those of you that know me know how much that takes. [:/]

I think I had 3 shots, mebbe 4. Yeah I cannot drink, I just have no tolerance at all. :$

So the room spins around when I close my eyes. I have a headache already. The hubby said to go mess around on the internet to stay awake.

What else do I do?!? I am not very good at this. What do you do to stop the chaos when the walls start turnign around you?

Oh woe is me.....:( Make this noght go away and I'll never...ever...drink again....until next time. I promise! :)
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start drinkin water.

that, or drink more so you just pass out.

either way works B|
"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid." - Kierkegaard

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Just got up ya feelin any better?

Nah, I guess I'm sick as well as drunk. :$ (Well I'm not drunk anymore. 7am here. :P)

Bad timing on a nasty summer cold. -I was just tryin' to have a good time, dang it! >:(
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Try to sleep on the edge of the bed so that if the room starts to spin you can put one foot on the floor to stop it. :P


I've heard that really works. Another thing to keep in mind is that if you are drunk to the point of seeing double, all you need to do is shut one eye. Voilla! It really does work.

I no longer drink, but I am grateful to those of you who are taking up the slack!


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Try to sleep on the edge of the bed so that if the room starts to spin you can put one foot on the floor to stop it. :P


Funny you should say that. I remember a team mate telling me in her drunken stupor she'd tried to stop the room spinning by using knee turns!

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