
WaltAppel or j0nes

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I'd have dinner with Walt anytime. I recall him as pretty good BASE jumper from the early 90s. On the other hand I'd have dinner with that other guy too. Of course I'd be serving him an earful on how not to be such a schnook . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

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I'd have dinner with Walt anytime. I recall him as pretty good BASE jumper from the early 90s. On the other hand I'd have dinner with that other guy too. Of course I'd be serving him an earful on how not to be such a schnook . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

I'm very humbled by that, Nick. Thankyou. I would be honored to have dinner with you anytime.

For the few of you who may not know, Nick was one of a few people who documented BASE in a responsible and professional way when it was very much still in its infancy. I'm very sure old copies of The Fixed Object Journal are still used as a source of information.

He also took on the unenviable task of maintainer of "The List", a list of BASE fatalities. I retired from BASE a few years back, so I don't know how the current generation of BASE jumpers feel, but Nick is a true historian of the sport and his legacy as such will survive him for many, many years.

Thanks again Nick, not just for the kind words, but for all you have done for the beautiful sports of skydiving and BASE.


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p.s. I'm really not that interesting in person. I'm one of those people that goes through life thinking of "the perfect thing that I should have said" about 5 minutes too late. I'm a pretty good writer, though, so my total lack of ability to "think on my feet" is kind of masked in these forums.

I'm pretty much the same way... :P

I'd have dinner with Walt anytime. We'd have raccoon and cat tales to share.. :ph34r:
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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>>For the few of you who may not know, Nick was one of a few people who<<

Thanks, Walt, but don't lay it on so thick next time, I'm trying to cultivate a new bad boy image . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

Sorry Nick, you earned my respect and the respect of a couple of "generations" of BASE jumpers and probably skydivers too. You're going to have to live with it. I didn't even mention your own personal story as a survivor.

edited to add:
Those who documented BASE in its infancy and spread the information about what worked and what didn't work saved lives. Nick, you published (edited?) a magazine, The Fixed Object Journal, that was widely circulated in the BASE community. No doubt you saved a number of lives.

Phil Smith and Andy Calistrat published Baseline Magazine and deserve mention for that.

Later on, Andy Calistrat published The Base Gazette.

Early on, Carl and Jean Boenish published BASEics.

Compared to the above people, I earned a very minor mention in a footnote of BASE history by posting a series of BASE articles on rec.skydivng. Most of the articles are still out there on the web. Just do a search for "Walt Appel" and BASE.

I *know* that I saved lives by publishing those articles. I've had people tell me so in person and by e-mail. I wasn't any kind of innovator at BASE nor was I a great BASE jumper, but some jumpers who were really outstanding, like Adam Filipino, were kind enough to take me under their wing and share the knowledge. I reported what they shared with me.

Nick, nobody will ever know how many lives you saved by getting good BASE information out there, but I'm sure you saved plenty.

Same for all of those who have served on staff at Bridge Day.

Same for all of those who design and manufacture BASE gear.

Same for Tom Aiello and a bunch of others who keep the information flowing.

Same for all those who have mentored up and coming BASE jumpers in a responsible way.

Is that laying it on too thick? Too bad, Nick. You've earned it, my friend.


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To Walt and Nick:

Its been an honor most of all, and a pleasure to meet ya'll both. Thanks for your guts and glory, and for paving the way for us yahoo's. Ya'll are the true pioneers and w/o that, we wouldn't have the history or knowledge that we have today.


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To Walt and Nick:

Its been an honor most of all, and a pleasure to meet ya'll both. Thanks for your guts and glory, and for paving the way for us yahoo's. Ya'll are the true pioneers and w/o that, we wouldn't have the history or knowledge that we have today.

Coming from you, that is truly flattering--you are one seriously badass BASE chick!!! Thanks for the kind words.


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I'd take Walt for dinner. Of course, I've eaten lunch with him...

Wendy W.

And I didn't make you barf?!!!:D:D

For anyone wondering, Wendy in person is very much like the Wendy you see here--she's laid back and really nice. Even if your politics are diametrically opposed to hers, you still can't help liking her--a lot.


p.s. Of course I would be honored to have dinner with you any time!

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Oi, Walt,

I started this thread as I was sure you'd have to change your sig line in view of the result! You're one of the warmest cool guys hanging around here. Whenever I'll be in Houston, I'll buy you diner at the "Pig".

Heck, now I only need a good excuse to take Skymama out for dinner.

Cheers folks!

Nice to meet you toot!

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Oi, Walt,

I started this thread as I was sure you'd have to change your sig line in view of the result! You're one of the warmest cool guys hanging around here. Whenever I'll be in Houston, I'll buy you diner at the "Pig".

Heck, now I only need a good excuse to take Skymama out for dinner.

Cheers folks!

Thanks for that. I wasn't really sure why you started the thread. I took it kind of like "Which of the two biggest dz.com post whores would you most like to have dinner with?", which in my mind is kind of an interesting question.

I've been really flattered and humbled by many of the responses. Dinner will be on me, my friend.


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