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if you really want to do something to help, the red cross can use money immediately to help these people that just lost everything. if you call them, you can specifiy where you want the money to go (i.e., hurricane katrina relief).

i didn't see it specifically at the website (it has disaster relief fund) but i know you can specify on the phone. you con donate as little as $5 but these guys are gonna need our help and fast. some agencies strongly suggested no food or blankets or anything like that just yet because there's no where to store these items due to the flooding. the red cross also knows best what needs to be taken care of first. so the info is:

website: http://www.redcross.org/

phone: 1-800-HELP NOW (and specify 2005 hurricane relief)

or contact your local bloodbank to donate because they always ask for blood during disasters.

$5 is a beer or two or a big mac value meal to us. to them it can mean the difference of drinking water that isn't contaminated or having bandages on wounds. please help.

also, please feel free to post any agencies that do the same type work. i just know the red cross is ALWAYS there and they don't wait on anything. fix it now, worry about paperwork later. this is as it should be. also, if anyone hears of special needs or requests that the community can take care of (clothing, non-perishable foods, whatever, anything) please post that as well but be sure to verify it.

it's time to give back now....thanks!

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yeah, i looked for a paypal button but no-go. i'll give them feedback on that.

but i also found this blurb on CNN:

The American Red Cross' relief operation would be the largest in its history, the organization's president, Marty Evans, said on CNN's "Paula Zahn Now" -- larger than for all four of last year's Florida hurricanes combined.

More than 75,000 people were being housed in nearly 240 shelters across the region, and "we expect that to grow" as people who can't return home seek somewhere to stay, Evans said.

Baby formula, communications equipment, generators, water and ice are being rushed into hard-hit areas by the federal government, along with doctors, nurses and first-aid supplies, The Associated Press reported.

Experts to help with search-and-rescue efforts have been dispatched by the Pentagon, the AP said.

Wal-Mart said it has donated $1 million to the Salvation Army for disaster relief and that more than 80 stores in the Gulf Coast states would help distribute relief goods.

The home improvement chain Lowe's said it would match customer donations up to $1 million.

so hey, anyone going to lowes, maybe kick in a few bucks so it's worth twice what you donate.

living in florida and seeing the devastation last year just makes me appreciate how much crap these folks are getting ready to endure.

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Salvation Army is a great option too. I'm an AmeriCorps volunteer and just recently returned from a month of hurricane Dennis relief work out near Pensacola. We lived on a gym floor but they provided us with cots, a huge shower trailer and a cook truck for the whole time we were there.

That might not seem like much, but after 12 hours of sawing trees off people's houses and tarping roofs in 100 degree heat a hot meal, shower and cot meant the world to every one of us.

I don't have any relation to the Salvation Army other than being impressed and thankful for the support they provided both to the people that needed the help and the people doing the helping.

That said, we also work closely with Red Cross disaster relief and you really can't go wrong donating to either.
Killing threads since 2004.

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Just to encourage all to help that can.

We left Saturday because I've been through this all before and got a good jump. Spoke with a friend / neighbor last night and it's real bad. I am told our home is a slab and our out buildings are in the trees miles away.[:/]

We're disappointed but not upset, brought the 'unreplacables' to my wifes folks place, out of the path. ...and we are in Texas staying with friends.

Everything else is insured and is replaceable, but there are thousands that are in dire need...please help if even just a prayer.

The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!"
The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"

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How about we start by shooting the looters

that's outstanding to see that your first priority would be to kill people over material crap rather than save the ones that are still stuck on top of buildings and in trees and just lost everything they own.

glad to see your priorities are in order. thanks for the constructive input. you obviously don't have a good grasp of the enormity of what's going on, but then again, with that comment, i wouldn't suspect you would read that far into it anyway.


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I was waiting to get chewed for that comment.

Personally i always give to charity, so dont question my ethics. Its a damn shame whats happened and i'm making a point at others who will take advantage from suffering.

People aint made of nothin' but water and shit.

Until morale improves, the beatings will continue.

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It was a guy with two small kids talking about how his home was ripped in two, his wife torn from his grasp. The interviewer started crying.:(
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. --Douglas Adams

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