
Skydive Midwest: Fun Hybrid Pictures

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This thread is ridiculus! (just like my spelling skills)

The girl posts a couple of cool pictures and the community gets all pissy about politics. I do not see any DZOs posting here, so I do not understand the concerns of those who are not on the business side.

I do not quite understand why you are so concerned about the ability of your DZOs to make thier house and car payments on certificates. Do you honestly think that your jump prices will go down if the DZOs make bank on the extra tandems a year that go to Skydive Midwest instead of them?

I am sorry to hear that your flourishing relationship with Skyride was ruined, from the way you are posting I would assume you had personal stake in those certificates.

And to finish my flame session, I would like to comment on how awesome those pictures are Liz, nice job!!

Pt. 1: Sorry

Pt.2: My dropzone has no DZO. No one owns the DZ, we are a club, everything we make goes back to our members in the form of services and opertunities like good LOs and good student gear, etc. Thats the point for me, sorry.

Pt. 3: Yah, we took them, along with most other DZ over the last few years, we didn't like it, but took them rather than send the person out on the road to be even more pissed off at skydiving. We didn't have a flourishing relationship and all it caused was problems. Like I said I am happy they don't take em now.

Your right I am bitter because I have watched a club I am part of lose business to another dropzone because of the skyride bs. I don't speak for the dropzone, I probally don't even represent the majoraty of people there (most of them probally don't care) but I do because I like the things my club offers and I don't want to lose that.

They are cool pictures whatever I'll just not care. I guess people have come around and are starting to be cool with how skyride works these days.
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Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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They are cool pictures whatever I'll just not care. I guess people have come around and are starting to be cool with how skyride works these days.

Hey Fast... don't worry about it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. There are a huge number of dropzones that are GREAT that except those certificates. I'm just looking at things from the perspective of a fun jumper who hates the politics. I judge a dropzone based on the people, the quality of jumps, the aircraft, and the view, amongst other things. If I decided to NOT jump at any dropzone that accepts those certificates, I probably wouldn't be jumping much.

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Damn People,
Liz posted a thread about some cool PICTURES she took and about a good time she had. Not thread about why Skyride sucks. So why don't you all stop thread-jacking and move the politics to your own thread. Maybe we can call it "How Skyride Sucks, tries to line their pockets, puts DZ's out of business, and tries to kill skydiving. Let Liz her have the thread


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