
Has anyone ever thought about Kite-bording?

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Hey, that stuff looks really awesome! I saw someone rocking that out up north in MI once, but he wasn't nearly as good as when you see them on TV [but then again when is a jumper w/ 90 jumps as good as the ones on TV anyway? :P]

I figure that someone on DZ.com has tried it, as we're in the brotherhood of wind-powered flight. I'd like to know what it takes to get started. Any pearls of wisdom?
--- and give them wings so they may fly free forever

DiverDriver in Training

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I took a ground class this summer. The kites are really powerful, and you need to learn how to control them before you go out on the water or ice. It's fun, but not nearly as fun as jumping. I guess I'll try ice kiting this winter, seeing how there's nothing else to do in the Wisconsin winter but drink.
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I'm an avid kiteboarder...

to do it right, you need lessons, you need equipment, and most of all you need time and money.

I live in PA and had 1 succesful ride in 6 years, instead I just take trips for riding. Most commonly, Outer Banks. I ride for two weeks straight and then go about riding here and there for ahwile at local beaches.

If you want to get into it.. Lesson. A lesson will save a lot of bad and dangerous situations. Over my 6 years, I saved 2 people from being involved in life threating situations. Learn on a trainer, They cost about 100$ and are fun to fly.

After a lesson at a good school, remember you are not god, so wear a PFD(personal flotation device) a lot of people decide not to wear em, but when your kite breaks a quarter mile from shore, you'll be very happy.

Otherwise, take your time buying gear. Educate yourself on what you need where you will ride. Diffent kites to diffrent things, some water, some land. Some relaunch eaier while others fly faster. Its a lot of fun, but i learned before lessons where avialble and had some good scares. Be safe.

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Are there kiteboarding schools as there are skydiving schools? Or is it a solo lesson activity?

Any trainer power kites you would reccomend? 4 line? 2 Line? Most of the literature I found online seems to be for people who have already had some instruction.

Finally, 1 succesful ride in 6 years?? That doesn't sound as rewarding as I thought it would [:/]
--- and give them wings so they may fly free forever

DiverDriver in Training

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I live at the beach---you can usually see several kiteboarders out daily.

I used to wakeboard and was very involved in the circuit back in the day:P. Kiteboarding has really taken off recently from when we all were trying it for the first time.

As mentioned, the kites are powerful and requires strength & stamina.

Having said that, depending on where you live, I dont' think it's as difficult as what some have indicated, nor hard to get into.

Most extreme/surf shops around town have info/lessons offered. Most people I know who have experience wakeboarding pick it up fairly easily. :P
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Haha, 1 succesful ride in PA.. I ride at the outer banks all the time. Much better there. I can boost for the most part, and do basic ariels.

Best place to learn is OBX. Miles and miles of shallow water, good wind direction somewhere due to its shape, and most importanly Lots of schools.

RealKiteboarding.com is a good place to investiage information.

As for kites, a 2 or 4 line trainer is just as good, I taught a kiteboarder that now is pretty good, she learned on a 2 line stunt kite. Then we through her on a 8m^2 in sub 10mph for body dragging, and then we through her on a board in sub 15, and she did well, she road by the end of two weeks downwind 4miles, traversing both directions and doing a great job at launching the kite, riding, and keeping control.

If you have the ability check out http://community.flexifoil.com/. all the kiting info you need is there.

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Does your school have a club? At FSU we have a club with $100 rental fees for a semester and that also gets you all the training. Granted it's rental gear- similar to the gear on DZ- it's not custom fit but it'll work just fine. Try starting a club! It's amazing what schools will pay for- sometimes.

Orfun #21... thanks PsychoBob!

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Haha, I'm at Purdue in Indiana... the nearest water around here is swirling around my bathroom :D.

As for the club, I wish I could be so lucky... there isn't one that I know of. I just started the Skydiving club here back up and thats all the club I can handle management wise right now. Thanks for the idea.

Thanks for the info everyone, I'm gonna download that video and check it out. I love the wind
--- and give them wings so they may fly free forever

DiverDriver in Training

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