
Got my C!

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Lots of people post when they get their A and I can certainly understand the elation but I am happier now that I just got my C than when I got my A.

I was the World's Worst Student and the Least Likely Person to Become a Skydiver. Somehow, I made it through and am so happy that my stubborn nature won out. There was a time during my student progression when I expected to receive the Bowling Speech at any given moment. Instead, my instructor kept telling me to keep at it and that I had the right attitude. Thank you Damian (and sorry for making you work so hard)!

2005 is my first full year in the sport. Thanks in part to skydiving, it has been the best year of my life. This year, I accomplished the following in this sport:

-Visited 15 dropzones
-Had fun 200 times
-Did not hurt or kill myself 200 times
-Did not hurt or kill anyone else 200 times

My sincerest gratitude goes out to all the instructors, coaches and experienced jumpers that helped me along the way (and will continue to help since I have so very much to learn). To the newer jumpers I have jumped with, I hope you learned a little something from me and had fun. To the dz.com community, thanks for educating me in so many areas and providing numerous hours of entertainment.

I love skydiving.

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Lots of people post when they get their A and I can certainly understand the elation but I am happier now that I just got my C than when I got my A.

I was the World's Worst Student and the Least Likely Person to Become a Skydiver. Somehow, I made it through and am so happy that my stubborn nature won out. There was a time during my student progression when I expected to receive the Bowling Speech at any given moment. Instead, my instructor kept telling me to keep at it and that I had the right attitude. Thank you Damian (and sorry for making you work so hard)!

2005 is my first full year in the sport. Thanks in part to skydiving, it has been the best year of my life. This year, I accomplished the following in this sport:

-Visited 15 dropzones
-Had fun 200 times
-Did not hurt or kill myself 200 times
-Did not hurt or kill anyone else 200 times

My sincerest gratitude goes out to all the instructors, coaches and experienced jumpers that helped me along the way (and will continue to help since I have so very much to learn). To the newer jumpers I have jumped with, I hope you learned a little something from me and had fun. To the dz.com community, thanks for educating me in so many areas and providing numerous hours of entertainment.

I love skydiving.

Congrats and a million of good wishes from the WWS/LLPTBAS from he other side of the pond....;)B|

Enjoy your C and .... look forward to D! :)
Happy and safe jumps.

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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Thanks all for the kind sentiments.

The only downside to this milestone, which I actually started noticing after I crossed the 200 jump mark, is that now people expect me to be half good. :o

I just tell people "I've got over 200 jumps but I still suck. But we'll have fun!"

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Confidence has always my biggest nemesis in this sport so getting the higher licenses was a way for me to prove to myself that I do have the stuff to jump with the big boys.

I will pursue a D because it does not require very much. I've gotten this far, much further than I thought I would so I might as well go all the way. It won't happen next year though because I will not be able to keep up this pace.

I met this guy with several thousand jumps who, when he learned that I had just passed the 200 mark, told me that he considered this phase to be the most fun of all. Time will tell but so far, I agree with him. It is all so fresh, I am not involved in dz politics, I am untouched by tragedy and I can finally (sort of) hold my own.

When I win the lottery, I will get an AFF rating and teach for free. :D My only goals in skydiving are to have fun, meet people at different dzs and be safe.


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Arianna, I wanted to tell you that you have such a fun and adventurous spririt, not to mention a positive attitude. Don't worry about your skill level because everyone learns skills at different speeds. Plus, you can have a blast learning, right?

Thank you for joining Erin and myself in the tunnel, during the Chick's Rock boogie. I really enjoyed meeting you and flying with you. :)

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Confidence has always my biggest nemesis in this sport so getting the higher licenses was a way for me to prove to myself that I do have the stuff to jump with the big boys.

I will pursue a D because it does not require very much. I've gotten this far, much further than I thought I would so I might as well go all the way. It won't happen next year though because I will not be able to keep up this pace.

I met this guy with several thousand jumps who, when he learned that I had just passed the 200 mark, told me that he considered this phase to be the most fun of all. Time will tell but so far, I agree with him. It is all so fresh, I am not involved in dz politics, I am untouched by tragedy and I can finally (sort of) hold my own.

When I win the lottery, I will get an AFF rating and teach for free. :D My only goals in skydiving are to have fun, meet people at different dzs and be safe.


That's awesome! Goals help you stay enthusiastic in your endeavors. :)


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Hey Evelyn and Rosa,
You are two of the reasons why Elsinore is my favorite drop zone! If I did not have this pesky thing in my life called work, I would be out there now.

Thanks for making Chicks Rock such an awesome first boogie.

FYI, accuracy is easy: jump at Palatka. The layout of the dz is just so easy that even I was able to nail my target every time (except for that time I fell asleep at the helm, got too far downwind and landed by the tents...oopsie!).

Congrats Evelyn on the C!!

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I was the World's Worst Student...

I checked the 2005 Edition of Guiness Book of World Records. Your record wasn't there. Did you mean the 2004 or 2006 Edition? ;)

Just kidding. Congratulations on your C. I hope to get mine early next year! Although I may be sidetracked by a few fun events...

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