
Rhonda lee. sex thread.

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This one is from 1997:

Bob Christ recently traveled to United
Parachute Club in Gilbertsville, PA to interview Mistress Rhonda to
gain some understanding of the complexities of her psychy as well as
to get the exclusive inside story of her newly developed techniques
of discipline in the context of the Drop Zone Justice System.

BC - "Mistress Rhonda, thank you for allowing me to interview you."

MR - "That's OK boy, just don't overstay your visit."

BC - "Mistress Rhonda, why did you pick United Parachute Club for your
home DZ?"

MR - "That's my kinda boys over here - no morals, no ethics and no

BC - "To what do you owe your amazing success as a

MR - "Good sex, clean living, good Argentinean Leather and Jose Quervo

BC - "Could you give our readers at rec.skydiving some inside scoop as
to your new techniques of DZ justice and discipline?"

MR - "Well, I'm a classical kinda lady and some of the old stuff is
what suits me best. When I used to watch those Roman movies about
them feeding the Christians to the lions, I would always cheer for the
lions. I always thought that a creative idea where time has not
tarnished its flavor. Back in the middle ages, they used those really
neat maces and 'cat-o-nine-tails'. They are cool, but they're sort of
losing their usefulness today since you can't find good connectors
that stop the tool from coming apart after a few good sessions."

BC - "Wow Mistress Rhonda! You're really tough on your subjects."

MR - "Thanks. I take pride in it. Anyway, my favorite piece of
literature is Henry Miller's THE CRUCIBLE. I really enjoy that period
of history (editor's note - the Salem Witch Trials) since they were
able to develop techniques which are classical and timeless. I
particularly like the pubic - I mean public - display of humiliation
they used in the 'harness'. If you've ever seen the harness, it was
used during that period to administer town square justice by
harnessing the subject's arms and head in a wooden hole with the
subject bent over at the waist. They would stay there for the
appointed period of time while everyone in town would take a swipe at
them from the back side."

BC - "Describe what they would do to their 'back side'."

MR - "I was getting to that, boy - and don't interrupt me. As I was
saying, once they were harnessed in everyone would have a little slap.
Well there are a few of us that like a little more than a 'little
slap'. You see, in my opinion discipline isn't practical unless it
hurts. And I like to administer pain."

BC - "Where can one find one of these 'harnesses'?"

MR - "Well, there used to be a large manufacturing company that was
situated right next to the DZ in Pepperell, but a Neo-Nazi group that
assumed patent rights from the estate of Dr. Mingela (editor's note -
Dr. Mingela was the notorious Nazi doctor that did experiments on live
subjects during WW2) and sued them for patent infringements. That put
them out of business. It was a sad day for us all. Anyway, I've had
several fabricated from plans I had stolen by one of my subjects from
the FBI archives in Washington. I've even seen a few skydivers use
one of them to harness a sheep. It was very effective, but the animal
rights folks slapped an injunction on me and I had to stop that

BC - "Will one of those be on display at the Herd Boogie?"

MR - "On display? Where are you from boy? Louisiana or something?
Yes, we will put the 'harness' right in front of the Tiki Bar, but not
for display. It will be used to discipline those purported hook
turners and low pullers. There is only one scum lower than the BSR
violaters and that is the low swoopers. For those people, we have
installed a VCR right in front of the 'harness' so that they may watch
themselves go low on the skydive over and over and over again while I
administer the punishment from behind. It's a very effective teaching
tool since they usually don't go low again (editor's note - we've
interviewed such subjects and 78.2% of those surveyed don't jump again
for several months after Mistress Rhonda's punishment sessions)."

BC - "Mistress Rhonda, thank you for allowing this interview. I hope
to see you at the Herd Boogie."

MR - "Don't mention it boy. Say, you're kinda cute. Didn't I see you
pull at 1,200 ft. yesterday . . .

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Have I pegged ya, your turn.

Well, if the post below yours is any indication, I guess not. No breakfast for you.

Let this serve as a reminder to all that the internet is forever.


If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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I don't think that's what we're looking for.. Read some of Cares post in the blowjob thread . :P She can post !!!

Well, it's a matter of personal preference.

Consider stevia--it can be used as both a sweetner and a skin treatment. I find it to be sticky and messy, and I only use it in my tea, but others disagree. There is a long history of foodstuffs being used on the skin, and that's fine by me, but my own preference would be to ingest food, not wear it.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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I don't think that's what we're looking for.. Read some of Cares post in the blowjob thread . :P She can post !!!

Well, it's a matter of personal preference.
Consider stevia--it can be used as both a sweetner and a skin treatment. I find it to be sticky and messy, and I only use it in my tea, but others disagree. There is a long history of foodstuffs being used on the skin, and that's fine by me, but my own preference would be to ingest food, not wear it.

So are you saying you prefer to swallow instead of a facial ?
Rhonda, will you start a sex thread ? A real fuckin sex thread ? You are the Mistress and i want a Mistress for Christmas.:)
Now start typin before i make a fool of myself with some lame sex thread.

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Actually, I'm rather enjoying watching everyone goose-step around potential topics for this thread as it relates to sex and RhondaLea. B|
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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I shoveled snow for 11 hours today and this is all i come home to ? I guess everyone was too busy having sex to make a decent sex thread.
So i'm going to ask Rhonda one last time. Rhonda, will you take your writing skills and Mistress thoughts and post something worth reading or replying to ? If not for them, for the Cheese.:$

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I shoveled snow for 11 hours today and this is all i come home to ? I guess everyone was too busy having sex to make a decent sex thread.

So i'm going to ask Rhonda one last time. Rhonda, will you take your writing skills and Mistress thoughts and post something worth reading or replying to ? If not for them, for the Cheese.:$

I think I'd prefer to go scare up some real sex rather than only write about it.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Guys on dropzone.com will never be ready to find out the winning lottery numbers two days ahead of time. I think I'll go to sleep now...

Have a nice nap, dear. Kiss the baby for me.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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This has got to be the weakest sex thread EVER ! :( Damn, damn , damn.. Well i tried . Thanks for being so nice Rhondalea !!! ;)

Thank you for the thread, dear. It's not your fault that these people are a bunch of wussies.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Thank you for the thread, dear. It's not your fault that these people are a bunch of wussies.


I thought about stepping up to the plate after that, but then I thought, "This isn't a game, this the the RhondaLea sex thread." But then I thought that maybe she was taking the emotional temperature in here and was expecting to spark things up a bit. Then I wondered if I wanted to be played that way. After that, I asked myself what *I* would do if I were in her shoes pretending to be in my shoes, pretending to...see? See what you've done to me? :P
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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Thank you for the thread, dear. It's not your fault that these people are a bunch of wussies.


I thought about stepping up to the plate after that, but then I thought, "This isn't a game, this the the RhondaLea sex thread." But then I thought that maybe she was taking the emotional temperature in here and was expecting to spark things up a bit. Then I wondered if I wanted to be played that way. After that, I asked myself what *I* would do if I were in her shoes pretending to be in my shoes, pretending to...see? See what you've done to me? :P

It's your own fault for figuring me out. :P

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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