
What would YOU do??!?!

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If you graduated in a couple of years with and Economics and a Finance degree with an International Bsuiness Management minor, you wanted to start of working for a REALLY solid company? What would you pursue and why? (besides skydiving!)


As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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Learn posthaste how to sell a person his own dirty underwear. The degree may keep you from being eliminated at the first wave, but that’s about all it’s worth outside top schools and technical specialties. Most young people today would be better-off not pursuing a college education which isn’t specialized in a field with proven lifetime demand. To live even a modest life most young people need to learn how to sell and then, accepting risk, they quite possibly will kick ass and become rich. Modern unspecialized college life is a shortride ticket to what used to be called “debtor’s prison,” though this benefits the higher education snake oil salespeople of the parents’ generation for posers. In Lebowsky terminology for some of you, “The Goddamn Plane Has Crashed Into The Mountain !!!”

Blutarsky 2008. No Prisoners!

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If you graduated in a couple of years with and Economics and a Finance degree with an International Bsuiness Management minor, you wanted to start of working for a REALLY solid company? What would you pursue and why? (besides skydiving!)


practice tightening your bunghole because you will most likely end up in the clink for some sort of white collar corporate financial scandal. It is inevitable.
Official forum retard... word to your mother, hommies !

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