
Unconditional Love

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Devils advocate here. Does it really exist though?

Think about it for a second. I am not a father so I can not speak with any degree of authority, however, I can certainly see unconditional love for a child.

What about a SO though? I know if the girlfriend that I have had for almost two years starts in on a meth, crime and prostitution bender then I can assure you that I will not be around long.

Where does unconditional love happen with a SO?

It has to be really bad for me to not still care for you and to want the best for you. My last SO, I still want the absolute best for him. I hope he's happy, healthy and living large...truly wish he could smile at me and love me as much in return when we see each other again.

You would be correct, for the most part, that naturally parents have unconditional love for their children. There are lots of parents that are very confused and think they have this but don't. Then the other way abandonment, which I don't understand altogether.

personally for me, Love is something that you have to learn to do for yourself first. If you can do that in the way of self respect, then you can learn to love others by giving the benefit of the doubt. I have been stepped on enough in some pretty bad ways that I don't readily give the benefit of the doubt so easily anymore. The ones who have stepped on me didn't know what unconditional love was to begin with or else they wouldn't have treated me the way they did. Then there are some that you just have to burn the bridge with because they are not healthy with themselves mentally, emotionally, or physically let alone for you. They can't love themselves so how can they give it out,let alone unconditionally.

I guess I'm trying to answer the question- no it doesn't exists. I think you would have to be a hopeless romantic, or naive to think there is love unconditionally, because if someone got stepped on enough they wouldn't give it anymore.

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Well, here's the test.

My score is below. What surprised me, though, were some of the questions, and some of my answers to them.

Your love is 33 unconditional!
You are the epitome of a healthy point of view on unconditional love. You know when it would start to be unacceptable to date someone, but are still very open to various sorts of people. Though it may be difficult at times, it still enriches your life and allows you to experience various things that you wouldn't otherwise. Carry on! :) The test scale is from -76 to 79.

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 99% on unconditional

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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I just took the test. Must give the same answer no matter what, 'cuz I'm really sure that, well you know...

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 99% on unconditional

And I answered honestly! There were quite a few "maybe" answers and a number of "no"s..


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Yikes.. I guess because I have lived a fairly long and interesting life I am not as unconditional as I might once have been.
I have had far too many toxic people intrude in my life so I am far more careful about who I let into my life nowadays.

I guess it also depends on what they would consider date someone..... how many dates.. as I get to know someone.. if I start getting the heebiejeebies on a first date.. I sure as hell am not going to try again.:S

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