
Magic Carpet Ride Pic

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Yeah - what Germ said:

We had everything agreed with the pilots. They knew what was going on and agreed to the way we loaded the plane.

It says noimore than 10 on the tailgate: there were 9 and the vidiot.

It says no more than 18 behind the red line: there were in fact 16 - last row was in fron of it.

Yes the last row may eat the tailgate, but the instigators of the jump were there and we were well aware of the risk and had a plan on how to avoid it. It seems our plan was well thought through.

There were no people with leg stowed pilot chutes on the jump.

Everybody was advised to check gear before getting on the plane, and several times on the plane.

Everybody did a thorough gear check brfore the jump.

All jumpers had several hundered jumps and all jumpers were informed of the risks and how to react. Because the briefieng was so clear and repeated so many times, everybody reacted properly when things went to hell.

Everybody had a great time (am I right guys?)

The CASA did not stall and and flew on to successfuly let other jumpers out on the same run.

Everybody landed safe and quite happy. There was a cracked helmet and a bruised knee, but then again that was to be expected and it was mentioned in the briefing.

We could have stalled the CASA, we would have all died during the jump, we could have been struck by lightning, we could have all turned blue, one of us could have won the lottery and someone might ha ve gotten pregnant...now please let me know what else could have happened:ph34r:

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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You could have had a great time with friends you love jumping with especially when you do a fun and crazy jump while keeping everyone safe and alive!
Sounds like everyone did.

Oren knows I pick on him cause he has funny creatures on his jump suit....


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Online sharing eliminates the "First Run" clause. If a pic gets shared in any medium other then hard copy locally Parachutist won't touch it. They specifically asked me if it was ever posted online and if so they would have to decline my submissions last time I sent something in.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Post: Online sharing eliminates the "First Run" clause. If a pic gets shared in any medium other then hard copy locally Parachutist won't touch it. They specifically asked me if it was ever posted online and if so they would have to decline my submissions last time I sent something in.

Oh, that sucks! It's such an awesome pic, too. Does it matter that it was someone else who scanned and posted it, (I'm assuming) without permission?
May the (relative) wind take your troubles away...

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i,ve been jumping a leg strap pc for 24 years and have the same on my base rig also . i look at it this way in a high stress situation were am i going to go ? were ni have been going for 24 years.my leg strap so thats why i wont change to a b o c just want to stay with the motor memory gotten from time rather than try to change now so i keep it on both skydiveing rig and base rig . i have never had one come out (knock on wood ) (me hitting myself on head ) but keep alert all the time anyway yeah man magic carpet rides are a ball come do one with us sometime they are a blast have fun everybody
till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates

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***Online sharing eliminates the "First Run" clause. If a pic gets shared in any medium other then hard copy locally Parachutist won't touch it. They specifically asked me if it was ever posted online and if so they would have to decline my submissions last time I sent something in.


I hope this is not the case and was not aware of any "First Run" clauses. I am the one that posted the picture and I should have asked John's permission to do so before I did it. I really hope this doesn't keep them from putting the picture in the magazine. I realize now that my over-eagerness to share this picture (which was not mine to share) may have cost John the opportunity to have it published. Whether it is published or not I have learned my lesson and I am sorry that I didn't ask him first. John, my deepest apologies. I feel like an ass.>:(:([:/]

"I'm not a gynecologist but I will take a look at it"
RB #1295, Smokey Sister #1, HellFish #658, Dirty Sanchez #194, Muff Brothers #3834, POPS #9614, Orfun Foster-Parent?"

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Don't worry about it - I know it was with good intentions.
I sent a link to this thread to Parachutist's editor and asked her to let me know if the pic being posted here will keep them from using it, so I can submit it elsewhere.
If they don't want it, I'll try someplace else.
I just uploaded the video, but can't find it on skydivingmovies.com . I used the category Dropzone.com and magic carpet ride title.
If it doesn't come up soon, I'll try again.

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i,ve been jumping a leg strap pc for 24 years and have the same on my base rig also . i look at it this way in a high stress situation were am i going to go ?

Old dogs can learn new tricks. I started, and you might have, too, with a right side ripcord and chest mount reserve. Been thru ripcords, bellybands, legstraps, BOC's, and pullouts, shot and a halfs, tapewells, blasthandles, and 3 rings. Never once reached to the wrong place or pulled the wrong direction. Leg strap mounts suck, IMNSHO, a hazard on any non-belly jump. You should get a BOC. You'd love it.

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