
Girls, I'd really go gay for

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Me too! She is a blast. She REALLY is good at TAIL.....I mean she likes tail alot. Gets down on it right on time. I think she is the queen of all tail. If tail were my thing, i'd give it up just for her>:(

...oh...i was talking about her flying at the tail slot.


...that is all.


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Me too! She is a blast. She REALLY is good at TAIL.....I mean she likes tail alot. Gets down on it right on time. I think she is the queen of all tail. If tail were my thing, i'd give it up just for her>:(

...oh...i was talking about her flying at the tail slot.


...that is all.

I've always said she's my favorite piece of 4way tail.

True story - once upon a time while our team was climbing to altitude her zipper decided to melt-down and I found myself attempting to repair it. All too soon I had my teeth on the zipper, using them essentially as pliers trying to force the little zipper thingee to bend back closer together so it would zip the suit right. No shit - face down, in her lap. I whispered loudly in a cooing voice, "Close...so very, very close..." just before she swatted me upside my head.

But, the zipper was temporarily repaired, if I remember correctly.

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YOU had YOUR HEAD in our Xena's area???

Teeth/Zippers/Lap Head Swatting:|



Bet that looked really strange with a video camera on your head.

"work it! work it! ooooh yeah the camera loves ya momma!"

SWAAAACK!!!!B|B| now, that's shootin' some tail huh?

Whaty're friends for? Her zipper was screwed up, we were getting closer to jumprun - it was only when I got my head down and took stock of *exactly where my mouth was * that I realized how surreal life had just become. And I did take the helmet off to do the deed, of course. Probably shoulda left it on since when she smacked me back to reality, it did get my attention. It was worth it. Oh yeah - no worries but there's no 'c' in Korshak, baby.

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Those are almost enough for me to hop to the straight side of the fence!

Girls to really go lesbian for...

Angelina Jolie
Scarlett Johansen
Famke Jansen (especially as Xenia Onatopp)
The girl that plays Shane on the L Word
The US Women's Pairs Beach Volleyball Team - like they're not already together...

geez that sounds like a smorgasborg of great pussy!!!...

I wonder if you realize my or your face would probably go pruney from all the wetness!!!

BTW I would love to see you do all of them!:P

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