
Sometimes I wish we lived in a place like the wild west and you could totally take out who ever you wanted to.

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Catch that red light because the guy in front of you stopped while it was still yellow??

Bullet in the head.

Some guy at lunch take the last piece of cornbread you were going to have with your cornbeef and cabbage?


Or ...;

-People who drive slow in the left lane

-Pushy telemarketers

-Cellphone users who show no courtesy to those around them

-Agressive panhandlers

-Criminals in general

-Those idiots flower salesmen who walk around downtown with roses and approach you when you are with a girl and put you on the spot to buy one...."Isn't the lady worth it?' sound familiar

-Neighbors who are too loud


-People who come to my door and pester me to join their church

...The list is endless. What a fantasy! In fairness there would be people who would argue that I should be shot to but I would simply shoot them first.

What a pleasant respectful world that would be. Regrettably we do not live in the wild west. But...one can fantasize.

My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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yea thats i pick up a tool my grandmother could kill you with..

fuck that, be a man and put yourself in danger if you wish to take some assholes life in hot blooded idiocy..

find a sword, pick a field, a dawn and a second and solve your grievances in person...

but i guess thats just to honorable for some.. they rather take the easy low risk method...

so (in your world) perhaps you should tell your next of kin to expect you to be shoot from 400 yards away because you pissed off the guy down the street who is just as afraid to deal with his issues in person... [:/]
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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then again, the fucker who tailgates you in the fast lane, when TRAFFIC is moving at 20 mph in a 70 zone. i just dropped a land mine and took him out. or the lazy ass who honks a horn every morning to pick up your neighbor....snipper shot to the head.

I was that tailgater - and you missed -

I prefer a hand full of ball bearings - the 1/2" size works best -

Use something that won't possibly bear your fingerprints, then.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Catch that red light because the guy in front of you stopped while it was still yellow?? Bullet in the head

The motherfucker in front of you is busy talking on their fucking cell phone so they don't notice when the light turns green and just sit there so you honk your goddamn horn at them and they fucking *finally* decide to move. Now they're just creeping along way the hell under the speed limit just to piss you off and you can't pass the asshole 'cuz some fucking-ass retard is in the outside lane driving just as slow!t

Geez man you guys should drive truck. thats an every 1/2 hour occurence.
they couldnt make enough ammo for me.

Oh the humanity.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time"

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