
parchutes des france - wheres my bloody rig

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You say you emailed the shop you ordered it from.

The distributor is your key to the manufacturer. The distributor is the only person who should be answering you as to where your rig is.

You have been given an answer by your distributor have you not?

The only person you should be contacting is the distributor.

Here are some questions to ask the distributor.

What date did the distributor place the order?

How was the order placed, Phone, email fax or ordering software.

What day did the order confirmation come back from the manufacturer.

How long over the xmas period was the manufacturer closed for?

How long has the factory where the gear is made been closed for?

Have they reopened yet?

What is the date of delivery expected?

12 weeks is very standard for gear, if it is ever shorter than 12 weeks then you are usually lucky that you ordered at the right time.

You say it is 12 weeks now. Have you considered that they may have been closed for the past 2 weeks and only re open today, so really you would need to add 2 weeks to the order.

How long were you quoted on delivery time and was that By the distributor before you ordered the gear or after you ordered the gear?

Once4 the distributor ordered the gear, on the confirmation they got from the manufacturer how londg did the manufacturer say until the gear would be ready.

If you do not know the answers to these questions then you should before you slag off the manufacturer. It sounds like maye your distributor is feeding you bullshit on delivery times or maybe your distributor did not place the order as soon as you thought they did or maybe your communication with the distributor is not very good.

When all my customers ask me a question they get an answer within 12 hours. This means I speak to the manufacturer and then get them to answer the question, i then write back to my customer and tell them what i know to the question they have asked.
My customers always know what is going on.
The reason you will not know what is going on is because your distributor is keeping you in the dark. Not the manufacturer.

If your question was ever asked to the manufacturer by your distributor then the manufacturer would send an answer to the distributor who would then answer you.

It sounds like your distributor who is the one keeping you in the dark.

Phone up the distributor and ask for an exact date that they have for delivery.

Seriously, going by your first poost sounds like your distributor is not giving you the answers you seek and that is because they have not directly passed on your concerns.

Ask your distributor the questions, it sounds like you should be bad mouthing them rather than the manufacturer.

A distributor only ever needs 24 hours max to be able to answer any question of the manufacturer that you may have.

Tell me what your question is, and then please tell me the answer that the distributor gave you.

If it sounds mickey mouse, then i will let you know.

The distributor sounds like they fucked up and are blaming it on the manufacturer.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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I think my OP has been slighty misunderstood.

I am actually intrested in finding out if anyone knows what the delay time is not in slating PDF... the heading where is m y bloody rig.. is meant to be using bloody in the english sense of the word, as in not agressive but comic.
If i was really upset or angry at them do you think the biscuit comment on the end would have been put in.

I understand there are time scopes on rigs, but as someone rightly said that rigs can be made in 8 weeks, if the delay was going to be a year or 2 years than i think it would be great to know!!

I have not intentionally slated the company, the reason i chose them was becasue of the quality of the rigs. if that takes along time then so be it.

What is a bugger however. is there seems to be no way of contacting the company directly, no website or posted number anywhere?

As you rightly said i should contact my distribitor directly (which i have) as they sold me the rig.. but i think as they are not making these things i would get a straighter awnser from the guys actually making it.

I realise these are small companys, but they are charging big money for these things. We have all these wonderful communications devices availible to us.. telephone, mobile, email. use them and let your customers know what is going on, if there is a delay for whatever reason, just let us know. we understand, we don't want you to bosh somthing out, which is crappy, take you time. but let us know.

I agree when K Krew said they are making equipment which saves are skins when we are messing with the reaper.

but do read the op, as at no point was i slagging PDF off, just looking for a way of contacting them.

Also K Krew if this was your money and you were a noob in the sport, and your distributor did not give you a awnser what would you have done.. just kept quiet and hoped for the best, or put a post on here to try and find a way of finding out for yourself??

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How about a post that says: "Does anyone have a current number for Parachutes de France? I'm trying to contact them to get an estimated completion date for my rig."

I'm just guessing, but that might have gotten you to the same place we are now.

Would have been less fun for the rest of us to watch, though. :D

"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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As you rightly said i should contact my distribitor directly (which i have) as they sold me the rig.. but i think as they are not making these things i would get a straighter awnser from the guys actually making it.

Well, you will actually get a straighter answer from your distributor. It is your distributors repuatation on the line if they lie to you.

You ask what i would have done, well i would be pissed off like you probably are, i have no pataience... however i would not make it public because the community is so small and it will come back and haunt you, i believe anyway.

Saying that though, i have written you a private message guaranteeing you my help with this.

Just read the message and answer what needs to answered. I would liek to help you. At least give you a second opinion.
If your distributor is who i think it is, that person is a good friend of mine, If it is not then maybe i can still help you out.
I am a distributor and this is how it works.....

Manufacturers have distributors to do ALL the customer service for you. That is why they get a cut., Manufacturers do not want to hear that their distributors anre not handling their customers and distributors dont want to hear that their customers are going straight to the distributor. This makes them not look like they are doing their jobs in keeping you happy.

Ask your distributor the following for exact questions that can not be exagerated or lied to you, then maybe if you dont understand i can help you understand and if i need to write a letter for you, I will at no charge, just to help you out.

1. What date was the order placed by your distributor?
2. When the order was recieved, what was the distributors verification number?
3. What is the date that the manufacturer told the distributor it will be ready?

Ask your distributor the above and you will get exact answers.

Alot of times, the gear will all be made and then will sit in the offices of the manufacturer for processing, inspection and then will be sent off maybe to be assembled. Quite often this takes an extra 1-2 weeks after the date you were quoted would be. Then shipping of about 3 days.
However, with the holidays they have probably been closed and dont re open until today, so this time needs to be allowed for as well.

Anyway, it is not you i was pissy at, it is the fact that far too many people are bringing their dirty laundry to the public forums when your distributor should be answering everything for you.

It is not for you to contact the manufacturer directly, you have paid the distributor to do this and they should be doing this. If they are not then their customer service stinks.

Anyway, i hope i can help you and am sure that if you are not getting answers then i will get them for you.

I started the Kkrew to help students and not to stand by and watch them struggle with gear purcahases and pay over the top prices. Let me know the above via PM and we will get this sorted for you.

IF they promised you 4 months and it still has 4 months to be ready then it is likely that they have not even started on your rig. If this is the case i suggest we get your order cancelled and sort you out with a complete aerodyne kit for my special price.:P

I am not trying to get your business, but if they have not started it yet i suggest we get your money back for you.

If your dealer is Maddy, then i will get some straight answers from her for you. Maddy is a fantastic distribuotr so i cant imagine you are having trouble with her.

Over to you.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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fair point... but thats not how i say things, i have to channel frustration into a twisted humour.

but as your rightly said its more fun to open some topical debates on the subject...;)

BTW i don't really think your a knobber, i was just getting super frustrated with finding info out on PDF. you just happened to press the wrong button??
The anger button( thats as close to an apology as you'll get)

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Good. From your PM it sounds like everything is being taken care for you then.

You have the best ( my mentor) workign on it and seeing that distributor is meeting them in person at the end of this week i am positive you will have one very straight answer.

All the best, I have sent your distributor a email askign about if her and i together can come up with a solution for kit hire while you wait.

If your distributor is not able to then i have a rig in the uk that is not being used and i have a few different sized canopies that you could put in it and borrow until your rig arrives. Just give me a week to figure it all out.

Just know, that the distributor you have bought from is the best in the uk at what they do and the most popular and have faith in them as i know they will have a answer for you on monday. If you have to wait much longer one way or the other we will help with a rig for you.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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I have heard that PDF received over 400 orders in one week because of the free main that comes with it.

I would expect to be waiting a long time.

400 rigs is a massive amount of rigs, probably a years worth of sales in one week.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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500 exactly * 3 pieces = 1500 pieces. At their production ratio, it might be a long long wait...
Jérôme Bunker
Basik Air Concept

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Yeah mate, I would be bunkering up and waiting the long road.

Saying that though, The deal was a free canopy so i guess they should just be happy to get a free canopy.

I feel sorry for the ones who's first rig it is or those who dont have a rig as that kind of sucks for them.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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the gentleman above you had a more interesting offer IMHO.
With a slight surcharge (IIRC someting around 150$) when purchasing a complete rig after a year with your first canopy, you would give back your 1year old main and get a downsized brand new canopy...

Dunno if my explanation is clear or not, but the offer is great for newer jumpers who can start with a bigger canopy and downsize quite safely at minimal cost.
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Wow, that sounds like an offer i might start offering with my aerodyne sales. Good idea actually.
You see, the thing is if a customer was to buy a kit brand new as a first rig they would buy a 190 or maybe a 170 pilot. These things after a year on 80% of first timers will have around 100 jumps. They are the most sought after sizes and would be easy to resell it.

Not a bad idea at all, something to look into i think.

Do you know how much the complete kit was anyone?

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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So let me get this right....
The offer is....

You buy a complete system for a certain amount of money ...(how much)?

You then after a year send in your main canopy and they then make you a new smaller canopy for free.

So they make such and such a profit over a weeks time and then a year later they get back all the mains and send out new mains to replace them and are left with a massive profit and then left with a ton of second hand canopies with lots of low jumps and they are also the noobs sizes that are very popular and probably easy to resell and recoup the costs of making the second new canopy.?

If we anyone could tell me the price that these cost and how you heard about it, where it was advertised etc.. I would love to know. I am going to look into offering the same deal and see if it is viable.

For PDF to get 500 orders in one week at retail price, dam, they must have made a profit of half a million pounds in one week! Looks like a years worth of business for them though.

IF anyone has full details please.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Hi Bigway,

You never reply to my e-mail and PM:P
You can check this in French language (I have not transleted it yet). The cost is the cost of a brand new rig plus several euros to get into the program. Check at
Let me know and I will transleted if I have time for this. This program "SWITCH" is available to dealers too.

Jérôme Bunker
Basik Air Concept

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Why can a person come to this forum and praise a manufacturer for great service but not do the opposite without getting crap from people? And you're right, they are a business and a part of business is customer service. It doesn't matter how good their product is, if they don't support their customers then they are missing an important aspect of running a company.

I do understand that customers need to be patient but if you commit a product in a certain time frame I would EXPECT the company to honor that agreement. If problems are to arise and the date slides, inform me. It's understandable, it happens, and it's not a big deal. But keep me informed. "You should just be happy that we are making you a [said product]" is not the attitude that I fine acceptable from any company, skydiving related or otherwise.

So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.

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Hey there, I have not had an email or PM from you.
I think the last time we spoke that i was waiting for you to send me out some contracts.

Is this Proggramme your little project then? I would love it if you could translate the essentials for me.

I am very interested in a programme of such proportions, I am actually workign on something similar on my website.

Also still keen on seeing those contracts.


.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Every week there is someone who comes here and rubs a manufacturers name in the mud.

And just as often someone will start a thread how they got excellent service from a company. Should both sides be equally represented? I think that it's good that people can come here and comment on either.;)

So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.

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Why can a person come to this forum and praise a manufacturer for great service but not do the opposite without getting crap from people? And you're right, they are a business and a part of business is customer service. It doesn't matter how good their product is, if they don't support their customers then they are missing an important aspect of running a company.

I do understand that customers need to be patient but if you commit a product in a certain time frame I would EXPECT the company to honor that agreement. If problems are to arise and the date slides, inform me. It's understandable, it happens, and it's not a big deal. But keep me informed. "You should just be happy that we are making you a [said product]" is not the attitude that I fine acceptable from any company, skydiving related or otherwise.

I was wrong. I apoligise. I have spoken to this user and helped him out through PM.

It just feels like people now use this website to settle issues. Kind of as if they threaten if they dont hear something they like that they will come here and tell the world. Kind of makes me think of little children telling on each other.

People can do what they want, and i can have an opinion to what i want as well.

I feel very sorry for anyone who is expecting their rig anytime soon because from what i have found out it does not sound like the word 'soon' is a word that can be used in this situation.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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You see, the thing is if a customer was to buy a kit brand new as a first rig they would buy a 190 or maybe a 170 pilot. These things after a year on 80% of first timers will have around 100 jumps.Not a bad idea at all, something to look into i think.

exactly. Like that you'll have people jumping appropriate gear, AND able to downsize to an appropriate canopy a year later instead of buying
-1 set of gear and "getting bored" after a year because it's too big
-too small gear to save some money and get scared/hurt/killed

(they still might get scared/hurt/killed, but less likely)
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Every week there is someone who comes here and rubs a manufacturers name in the mud.

And just as often someone will start a thread how they got excellent service from a company. Should both sides be equally represented? I think that it's good that people can come here and comment on either.;)

YEah but the only people that have rubbed a manufacturers name in the mud on this forum in the past year are people who have jumped to conclusions and then later withdrawn their remarks and apologised.

People that praise them only praise them when they have finished dealing with them and had results.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Why can a person come to this forum and praise a manufacturer for great service but not do the opposite without getting crap from people? And you're right, they are a business and a part of business is customer service. It doesn't matter how good their product is, if they don't support their customers then they are missing an important aspect of running a company.

in this case, the original poster is not a customer of PdF but a customer of the reseller.

"devil's advocating" who knows maybe the reseller didn't place the order yet, and the manufacturer is getting the bashing (no harm ment to the reseller either as we do not have the info)

Many cases of "waw the manufacturer is super late" posted here have been cases of :
-dysfunctional middleman (reseller)
-questions from the manufacturer not replied by the customer

Who always gets the public bashing ??? The manufacturer. OK, some are slow, some are late, but mostly do NOT deserve a public bashing.
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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I have been speaking to the reseller.

The distributor gave the customer an answer. The answer was that they were having a meeting with PDF this weekend and going to find out exactly what is going and when it will start rolling off the production line.

The OP knew this before starting this thread but i guess he is just excited and wants to find out for himself what is going on. As i guess you would when you have investyed so much mney into this.

Come tuesday the OP will knwo what is happening and so will the distributor.

I can assure you that the distributor is at the top of his/her game and always keeps customers happy.

It sounds like PDF is having a hard time with 1500+ orders over a period of a week.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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