
Sales Honor Code

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You want to buy a rig from a friend, but you do not have the all the money at the time of sale. You both agreed to an unlimited later payment. You sealed the deal with a handshake. He let you have the rig, you get it inspected, repacked, do all the maintenance, get it current and take good care of it. Then, when you are out of town, your "friend", knowing that you are out, break into your house and take the rig back, without contacting you personally, he just leave a phone message at your home phone explaining that he has a better deal with your rig that he can not pass up. He remove the rig from your house and deal with somebody else. You understand that you have not make any payments yet, but your most sincerely intentions are to buy this rig. You have been saving $$ all along and never have a chance to pay for the rig. Is there any honor code violation on this scene? What would you do?

"Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies
Tongue-tied and twisted Just an earth-bound misfit, I". pf

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You both agreed to an unlimited later payment.

What's an unlimited later payment? I imagine if I were to agree to a later payment, it would be quite limited and specific.


He let you have the rig, you get it inspected, repacked, do all the maintenance, get it current and take good care of it.

Did you get to use it? If so, sounds like you got some "free" use of it.


Is there any honor code violation on this scene? What would you do?

Last I checked B&E is illegal in most jurisdictions. Honor aside, he broke the law. My friends don't break into my house.

That said, this seems like a good example of why handshake deals are probably not the best way to go when there are transactions involving signficiant sums of money. I'd say you got off easy on this one since you hadn't made any payments, and you've learned something about your "friend's" character.

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I meant that he said: "Pay me whenever you can, is O.K. if you want to make partial payments" You choose to save all the money to pay in one lump sum.

"Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies
Tongue-tied and twisted Just an earth-bound misfit, I". pf

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That said, this seems like a good example of why handshake deals are probably not the best way to go when there are transactions involving signficiant sums of money. ***

But You Really, really, really want it this rig.

"Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies
Tongue-tied and twisted Just an earth-bound misfit, I". pf

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***Last I checked B&E is illegal in most jurisdictions. Honor aside, he broke the law. My friends don't break into my house.

That said, this seems like a good example of why handshake deals are probably not the best way to go when there are transactions involving signficiant sums of money. I'd say you got off easy on this one since you hadn't made any payments, and you've learned something about your "friend's" character.


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But You Really, really, really want it this rig.

Situation sucks, I'll agree. What are you looking for here? Sympathy? A solution? Your "friend" doesn't sound like he's going to sell you the rig now even though you "really, really, really want it." He's let you know what's most important to him - a "better deal" and probably immediate payment, and he was willing to BREAK INTO YOUR HOUSE to screw you over.

You got a tough lesson. It sucks. But sounds like it's time to apply that money you've been saving towards something else.

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Point of advice for the future, you specifically clear up how payments are going to be made, even if its by a handshake. "Pay eventually" doesn't quite work.

Furthermore, my friends don't break into my house when I'm gone. I don't think friends do that.
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I'd understand if my friend needed the money and needed to sell the rig quickly. I wouldn't understand my friend breaking into my home. You should sever all ties with this person and consider yourself lucky that the rig is the only thing you're missing.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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