
American Idol

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No way! She's really got a sexy figure. Curvy and fit. Her eyes are really big and purty too. It's just that when I first saw her I thought of this talk show host chick immediately. She could be her kid or something.

What the hell is that woman's name? She was like a bad white Oprah.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Oh come on! Open up both attachments at the same time and put the similar ones next to each other. They have the same nose, chin, cheeks, eyebrows, almost the same eye shape. Sure the hair and eyecolor is a little different but the rest, very similar.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Actually, Chris, I would MUCH rather be voting for the worst person every week; not the best. That way, all the "fan clubs" couldn't call in and vote ten times per night just to stack the vote in favor of one person. Anyone else agree? I can always pick out the one worst person every night. I can't, though, pick out the one best performer. Voting for your "favorite" just because you "like" them doesn't seem right to me. I think the voting ought to be based on merit: the performance.

Chris Daughtry is going to win this year; no doubt.


Damn good idea, it would be a much better way of voting. It doesn't matter what the girls do, because Chris Daughtry IS the winner this season!

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I'm with you. I'd much rather vote for the person to be booted. But I also like Chris's idea of letting them all perform for the 3 weeks and doing a cumulative type thing at the end. Truthfully, the whole voting system is flawed anyway. The judges should have some input into who stays and goes like they did with the INXS show. Votes determine the bottom 3 and the judges decide from there.

But are we being naive to assume that the votes really do count and the results aren't manipulated or predetermined?

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OK, so I left when American Idol started last night.

I'm back with my report.

Poor chicken little[:/] He had to sing after Chris. He needs to go (I don't know the kid's name[:/]). Cute. But, he's in the wrong show. Disney is on the left.:)
I like Bucky, too. I didn't know he had twin! That's hilarious:P
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Chris Daughtry has my vote but I also like Taylor Hicks, just because he is different. Yes poor chicken little (Kevin Covais) has to go and I think Disney would be a great fit for him. I do have to give him the E for effort. I think one of the worst last night was Elliott Yamin. Well thats just my 2 cents.

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I didn't get to watch last night, but I heard Chris Dautry on the radio this morning. He's just brilliant.

Ideally, the final two should be Chris and Kelli...the masses love Kelli, but I think Chris is putting up a mean fight, because he is actually TALENTED. Kelli is cute, fun to listen to and watch(i'd never miss her appearances on Leno, Letterman, etc - too cutez), but honestly - I wouldn't buy her stuff. Chris' stuff would be found on my Ipod.

chicken little and will need a good swan song tonight. My toes curl up when I see them.


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I love Taylor Hicks, too. I loved his crazy little dances last night:D

As I said to my hunny about Taylor "I don't get him, but I sure love him!":P

Chris....Chris is just YUM.

Ace-the-face needs to go home, too. They loved his "falsetto" last night. I thought it was a horrible Justin Timberlake/Maroon 5 imitation. He does nothing for me. The teenie-boppers, though, I'm sure will be wet for him:D

And I agree with whoever said Elliot was terrible last night. I agree. Overall, though, he's one of my top 4.

I love in order of most to least favorite:

1. Chris...again, YUM!
2. Taylor Hicks....one crazy cat.
3. Bucky...genuine voice. I can't stand when it sounds like someone is trying to make their voice sound raspy and rocky, but you can tell, that's genuinely his voice.
4. Elliot...his teeth bug me, though:P
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I know. I love that about Taylor. He makes me laugh & smile.

Chris just makes me...


I just don't understand how Chris hasn't already "made it". With his look, his voice, his obvious experience....how does someone like that go undiscovered and end up working customer service?
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I just don't understand how Chris hasn't already "made it". With his look, his voice, his obvious experience....how does someone like that go undiscovered and end up working customer service?

The music industry is a bitch to get into. There are a hell of a lot of damned talented performers on community stages than on CD. This is why I think American Idol is a great show. Each season we end up with 6 or 7 new artists on the charts.

I think this is Chris Daughtry's competition to win. The rest really need to fight for the all important top 6. Those folks get record deals also.



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