
lucid dreams --the coolest thing ever

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I'm lucky enough (at least I consider it lucky) that I get lucid dreams quite often, lucid dreams is dreaming while being aware that your dreaming.

for me usually an event in my dream will happen that I will recognise cant happen in real life, and I will realize I'm dreaming. At this point any number of things can happen. But I guess it would be best described as a matrix type world. I know its not real, so I can do whatever I want, as I read somewhere once "you can do anything you’ve ever wanted and go anywhere you’ve ever desired"

and because I know its a dream I can kind of alter the rules of reality (again kind of like the matrix)

for instance I can kind of defy gravity by knowing I can kind of fly, or jump off super tall buildings and land like spiderman. the interesting part is that sometimes the flying bits really require concentration, I know its a dream so I know I can break the rules, but in some dreams I can only bend them rather than break them so It requires focus, while other times its as simple as breathing.

I can also kind of teleport into another area or bit of dream by thinking about it.

anyone else here experience lucid dreams?

despite my efforts, explaining lucid dreams to people who havent had them is like explaining what skydiving feels like to people stuck on the ground. I've learnt how to do things in my dreams before I ever did them in real life because of lucid dreams

I found a couple cool quotes from websites so I'll put em up here to give a bit better explination

Lucid dreaming was defined as becoming aware you are dreaming; the actual level of awareness varies, however. When the level of lucidity is high you are well aware that nothing you experience is real, and you realize that you have nothing to fear—you cannot be harmed by any situations that may seem precarious. The second quote here gives the best explination, but just think of what you can do and experience with that kind of control.

To fully experience lucid dreaming, you have to remember that you are not governed by any laws in your dreams: you have complete freedom. Instead of walking to school or work, you can fly. While in mid-flight you may spontaneously decide you’d rather explore the elusive depths of the ocean without a breathing apparatus, or travel at incomprehensible speeds and explore the endless heavens around us without a ship. Or perhaps you’ll remember a book or a movie that captured your soul—perhaps you’ll become the main character of that book or movie and live for a short while in that story. Or maybe you’d just like to live your own life, with the added bonus of not being restricted by any consequences of your actions. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to tell off your boss, or push your car to its maximum speed (and beyond) on an open stretch of highway. Regardless, it will likely take a while for you to fully appreciate the idea that you can do whatever you imagine—you’ll likely think things are not possible during your first few lucid dreams, and be unable to do them.

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I have lucid dreams sometimes. They usually come at a time when I have been having sleeping problems and after a succession of nightmares triggered by "awake during sleep paralysis" dreams. I have never had very good control over them, but once I realize that I am dreaming I am able to control it a little bit... And when I first realize that I am dreaming - it seems like the first thing I always do is to start floating around rather than walking - I love that feeling of weightlessness... There have been times when I was floating around but could see myself lying in bed, so it seemed like an "out of body" experience - very cool.

I find it difficult to explain my dreams to other people too. And I often have such vivid, intense dreams that I am always in awe of what realistic experiences my brain is capable of creating on its own. In fact it leads me to think that the power of our brains is practically untapped as of now... And another experience that I get from my dreams is that there seems to be some sort of interconnectedness of all of our brains, but that is something that I find difficult to explain as well...

Anyhow, I am fascinated by dreams, and especially lucid dreams... They are definitely a source of wonder for me.

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I've had those... or at least I think so.
I was able to manipulate everything and it was cool, my will was taking me wherever i wanted and the best part was that i was aware and it felt like it was real (although i knew i was dreaming)... hard to explain :P

Anyway, they're the best.. dont happen that often anymore though[:/]

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I have done some research on Lucid Dreams. When I was a kid, if I was having a bad dream I had this ability to tell myself, in the dream, that I was only dreaming. I would instantly wake up. I always thought that it was a really cool skill and didn't know that it was the first stages of being to have full on Lucid Dreams.

I dream every night, and can remember at least one dream from each night. I find it odd that most people don't really remember their dreams at all. After I looked into Lucid Dreaming, I worked at it (yeah, it's something that you can learn) and have managed to have Lucid Dreams. I don't have full on control in them yet. Once I realize I'm dreaming, it's hard to stay in the dream and not wake up. But I have flown around in dreams a lot once I know that it's a dream and I can do that.

It's really fascinating, and extremely cool in my opinion. You can go on adventures while you're asleep, and do things you never thought you could. The human mind is crazy...

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